English 中文(简体)
原标题:Using CeGetFileNotificationInfo

我有一个Windows Mobile 6.5应用程序,试图监测一个更改档案。 如果我操作以下法典,那么我只收到关于临时档案变更的通知。

参考,Im 采用Windows Mobile 6.5 专业CEOS 5.2.23090.5.3.0。 而且,我与Windows Mobile 6.1专业 CEOS 5.2.21051.1.6.4有着同样的问题。

#include <vector>

int _tmain( int argc, _TCHAR* argv[] )
    HANDLE change = ::FindFirstChangeNotification( 
        argv[ 1 ],

    if( INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != change )
        while( WAIT_OBJECT_0 == ::WaitForSingleObject( change, INFINITE ) )
            NKDbgPrintfW( L"Change detected
" );
            DWORD returned = 0;
            DWORD available = 0;
            if( ::CeGetFileNotificationInfo( change,
                                             &available ) )
                std::vector< BYTE > buffer( available );
                if( ::CeGetFileNotificationInfo( change,
                                                 &available ) )
                    BYTE* current = &buffer.front();

                    const FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION* info =
                    reinterpret_cast< const FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION* >( current );

                    for( current;
                         NULL != current && info->NextEntryOffset > 0;
                         current += info->NextEntryOffset )
                        info = reinterpret_cast< const FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION* >( current );  
                        NKDbgPrintfW( L"	%s: %#08x
", info->FileName, info->Action );

            ::FindNextChangeNotification( change );
        ::FindCloseChangeNotification( change );
    return 0;


Change detected
    667F.tmp: 0x00000003
    667F.tmp: 0x00000003
    667F.tmp: 0x00000003
    667F.tmp: 0x00010000


Change detected
    Foo.txt: 0x00000003
    Foo.txt: 0x00000003
    Foo.txt: 0x00000003
    Foo.txt: 0x00010000


Thanks, PaulH



For an OS that uses extensive caching, detection occurs only when the cache is sufficiently flushed.

More info: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-US/library/ee490599(v=winendo.60).aspx

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