check this out for the final solution!
First of all, you need to enable errors reporting on your website.
1) Open the file and find the following line:
@ini_set(‘display_errors’, ‘off’);
2) Change ‘off’ to ‘on’, re-upload the file and refresh your page.
If it doesn’t help, go to the next step.
3)Add this code to the top of your index.php file in the root of PrestaShop installation and re-upload it on your server. Then try to access your website and admin panel.
<?php error_reporting(0);
$old_error_handler = set_error_handler("userErrorHandler");
function userErrorHandler ($errno, $errmsg, $filename, $linenum, $vars)
$time=date("d M Y H:i:s");
// Get the error type from the error number
$errortype = array (1 => "Error",
2 => "Warning",
4 => "Parsing Error",
8 => "Notice",
16 => "Core Error",
32 => "Core Warning",
64 => "Compile Error",
128 => "Compile Warning",
256 => "User Error",
512 => "User Warning",
1024 => "User Notice");
//Write error to log file (CSV format)
$linenum","($errlevel) $errmsg"
if($errno!=2 && $errno!=8) {
//Terminate script if fatal error
die("A fatal error has occurred. Script execution has been aborted");
After this manipulations you will find the file called errors.csv in the folder where your index.php file is located. Download and open the file errors.csv using any text editor, you will find the error log there.