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The are any CMYK graphics library?

I m looking for graphics library with CMYK support(JPG or TIF). I have to read one big image file and one small, then write second on first. Output have to be also CMYK(without any CMYK->RGB conversion). There are any? (C#/C++/Java or somthing else)


(Disclaimer, I work for Atalasoft) Atalasoft dotImage will read and write images in as CMYK as well as perform overlay operations in CMYK space.

the code you would need to do this is:

public void OverlayCMYKOnCMYK(Stream bottomStm, Stream topStm, Point location, Steam outStm)
    using (AtalaImage bottom = new AtalaImage(bottomStm, null), top = new AtalaImage(topStm, null)) {
        // might want to check that both bottom and top have the same PixelFormat
        // OverlayCommand will silently do conversions if they don t match.            
        OverlayCommand overlay = new OverlayCommand(top, location);
        bottom.Save(outStm, new TiffEncoder(), null);


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