English 中文(简体)
原标题:Getting an object from an NSSet

您可以拿物体 AtIndex: from an NSSet when how You do?


有几例使用案例。 http://www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_chinese.htm



缩略语 AtIndex:


可使用过滤器 如果你有某种独特的识别标志来选择你所需要的物体,则要作解释。


NSPredicate *myPredicate = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"identifier == %@", identifier];


NSObject *myChosenObject = [mySet filteredSetUsingPredicate:myPredicate].anyObject;

NSArray *myArray = [myNSSet allObjects];

MyObject *object = [myArray objectAtIndex:(NSUInteger *)]



//your current set
let mySet : NSSet
//targetted index
let index : Int
//get object in set at index
let object = mySet.allObjects[index]



@property NSUInteger objectID;


- (BOOL)isEqual:(id)object
  return (self.objectID == [object objectID]);


- (NSUInteger)hash
 return self.objectID;  // to be honest, I just do what Apple tells me to here
                       // because I ve forgotten how Sets are implemented under the hood


MyObject *testObject = [[MyObject alloc] init];
testObject.objectID = 5; // for example.  

// I presume your object has more properties which you don t need to set here 
// because it s objectID that defines uniqueness (see isEqual: above)

MyObject *existingObject = [mySet member: testObject];

// now you ve either got it or existingObject is nil


我先试了什么速度越快,但我却避免使用点数,因为这可能是线性的,而使用该成员:方法会更快。 这是更喜欢使用NSSet而不是NSArray的原因之一。

for (id currentElement in mySet)
    // ** some actions with currentElement 

大部分时间,你不注意从一组物体中找到一个特定物体。 你们关心检测,看看一包含有物体。 这套东西是好的。 当你想看到某一物体是否属于集邮组时,其速度要快于阵列。

如果你不关心, 你们得到的反对使用-anyObject,这只是给你一个物体,例如把你的手放在一个袋子里,gra取一些东西。

Dog *aDog = [dogs anyObject]; // dogs is an NSSet of Dog objects

如果你关注什么物体,则使用<代码>---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 你需要把目标摆在你面前。

Dog *spot = [Dog dogWithName:@"Spot"];
// ...
Dog *aDog = [dogs member:spot]; // Returns the same object as above


NSString *one = @"One";
NSString *two = @"Two";
NSString *three = @"Three";

NSSet *set = [NSSet setWithObjects:one, two, three, nil];

// Can t use Objective-C literals to create a set.
// Incompatible pointer types initializing  NSSet *  with an expression of type  NSArray * 
//  NSSet *set = @[one, two, three];

NSLog(@"Set: %@", set);
// Prints looking just like an array but is actually not in any order
//Set: {(
//     One,
//     Two,
//     Three
//     )}

// Get a random object
NSString *random = [set anyObject];
NSLog(@"Random: %@", random); // Random: One

// Iterate through objects. Again, although it prints in order, the order is a lie
for (NSString *aString in set) {
    NSLog(@"A String: %@", aString);

// Get an array from the set
NSArray *array = [set allObjects];
NSLog(@"Array: %@", array);

// Check for an object
if ([set containsObject:two]) {
    NSLog(@"Set contains two");

// Check whether a set contains an object and return that object if it does (nil if not)
NSString *aTwo = [set member:two];
if (aTwo) {
    NSLog(@"Set contains: %@", aTwo);

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