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原标题:unable to display jsp
  • 时间:2010-10-06 04:23:58
  •  标签:
  • java
  • jsp

I am trying to display dynamic data in jsp. for that I am calling java method inside a jsp using jsp expression. this java method is taking much time but it is returning some value.(I cant reduce the method execution time.) But my jsp is showing blank. Can anybody explain what would be the reason and how to resolve. This code is not written by me But I need to find out the root cause.

我的jsp 法典像我一样。


       ..... hello......start...

       <%= obj.getDynamicData() %>     

      .....completed .... end     

这很可能是因为你(ab)利用共同财产计划执行一些原.法。 当一个例外被推倒,将联合人民党的产出运抵半途时,联合人民党的残余者再被送往浏览器。 但是,网站服务器不能将答复变成一个错误的网页,但例外情况下的细节更糟,网站浏览器最终将产生半衰弱的超文本产出,这种产出往往被作为空白页展示。

任何未加说明的例外通常都输入服务器记录簿。 你们需要挖掘服务器的标识,以便解决问题的根源。 例外情况含有关于问题起因的宝贵信息。

半衰弱的超文本页面仅仅是一个不完整的超文本页面,使网络浏览器无法理解如何适当展示。 Rightclick the page in webbrowser and choos View Source/em. 如有必要,可在上查阅。

此外,在不同的网络浏览器(优等)中,如Peter和Keook,可能值得努力。 众所周知,MSIE6/7就像它收到大量超文本的<代码><table>。 它的表层发动机差。

为避免今后出现类似麻烦,我建议将所有 Java的编码移至“Serlet”类,以便如果是 Java法的例外,你能够更容易地(至少比挖掘服务器的标识文档)出现错误。 另见。 如何避免Java在共同财产法中出现?


根据以下评论意见:in BalusC swer:



  1. obj.getDynamicData() is throwing an exception which is not caught and handled
  2. Your servlet container/server may be configured with some sort of "request timeout" that closes the HTTP connection if it takes more than a certain amount of time to process the request, and obj.getDynamicData() takes so long to execute that this timeout is being triggered.

您的法典或共同财产法中是否有任何记录表明,在完成处理后,服务器方面发生了什么? 在浏览器停止等待申请/收到空白页后,如果你继续看到正在处理JP申请(和obj.getDynamicData()。

And to rule out the simple things, are you sure that the server is actually returning an empty response, and not that your browser is showing a blank page because the server returned half an HTML page? Make sure to check View Source, use a tool like Firebug, and/or make the same HTTP request that you do in a browser from a command-line tool like curl or wget.

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