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原标题:Frozen fields in html tables


这确实像这里的许多人一样是一个非常相似的问题,但任何接受的答复都没有接近我所需要的。 如果我错了,我感谢一位正确方向的协调人。

我的问题是,我有一个20个行(最大)和18个列的表格。 该栏有各种内容类型:文字、选择、无线电台。

表中的宽度大大高于可以显示的水平,因此需要横向发展。 我需要始终看到头4栏,其余14栏需要滚动。


I have found some, unfortunately unsuitable, pieces of code: www.shrutigupta.com/index.php/2005/12/12/how-to-create-table-with-first-column-frozen/ (the rows don t line up well)

acatalept.com/common/test/fixed-table.html (as best as I can tell, is 3 tables)

And, the one the looks most promising but without code: apex.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p=11630:2:1883191096360711


What we really need, and the only thing that we can really use is exactly the method used at: www.google.com/squared/search?q=world+leaders If you resize the window on this page, the scroll bar will show up at the bottom for just the columns that need it.



use css scroll for overflow for which ever columns need to be scrolled and others be hidden

在干 the中填表或拖 the,申请过量

<table width="100%">
<td id="200px">some fixed content</td>
           create rows and table inside this table


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