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原标题:Resource based ACL vs controller based ACL


不久前,我发现了非常手提的<代码>Zend_Acl_Resource_Interface,可用于控制使用该编码的任何类别。 这样,任何模型、表格或其他应用要素都可以成为《欧洲渔业公约》的资源。 这是一种非常常识的做法,因为这样,应用资源就成为《欧洲常规武装力量》的资源。


Now, I can check the ACL e.g. whenever any form is instantiated and eventually redirect to login page.
But how can I hide Zend Navigation items which use restricted forms, models etc.
Do I need the traditional, controller oriented approach as well? Do I need a separate resource identifier for each navigation element? What s the benefit of using resource based ACL then?


你可以将相应的资源分配到Zentd_Navigation page items,确定预先定义的ACL,目前把用户的作用留给Zend_Navigatione,导航助手先检查ACL。 请见以下例子:http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.view.helpers.html#zend.view.helpers. initial.navigation.acl



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