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原标题:Latex ewcommand for end{verbatim} et.al not working
  • 时间:2010-10-07 16:35:34
  •  标签:
  • latex


This works:
ewcommand{cv}{ensuremath{egin{smallmatrix}}} ewcommand{ecv}{ensuremath{end{smallmatrix}}} ewcommand{e}{egin{enumerate}}

This does not work:

ewcommand{verbass}[1]{egin{verbatim} #1 end {verbatim}}


当我尝试使用<条码>。 我犯了一个错误:! 文件在扫描使用@xverbatim时结束。



egin{verbatim} work。 简略扼要。

  1. egin{verbatim} is expanded to verbatim.
  2. Then verbatim sets category code of each characters to 11. Now all chars is letters.
  3. Then verbatim sets font, parindent and calls @xverbatim.
  4. 利用以下trick计达到逐字记录的结尾:

  5. 然后,结束工作。

How ewcommand{verbass}[1]{egin{verbatim} #1 end {verbatim}} work.

  1. First of all verbass{Halp} reads its argument.
  2. #1 --> Halp
  3. verbass expands to egin{verbatim} Halp end {verbatim}. Important: backslash of end has category 0 rather than 11. Moreover { and } have categories 1 and 2 rather than 11.
  4. Then egin{verbatim} expands to varbatim. varbatim changes all categories and font. But (important) the category of backslash (in end) remains equal to 0.
  5. Then verbatim calls @xverbatim.
  6. 试图利用以下trick计来抓你的论点:


    but it is impossible because of @xverbatim tries to catch end where all letters (,e,n,d) have the category 11. But in fact there are four letters with other category code: with category 0 and e,n,d with category 11.

  7. @xverbatim is trying and trying to find end where backslash () has category 11 but.... File ended while scanning use of @xverbatim

rel=“nofollow”>here 基本上,LaTeX坚持说,逐字逐字逐字逐字逐字逐句。


ewcommand{myverbatim}[1]{egin{tt} detokenize{#1} end{tt} \ }

产出不是很微不足道,因为分界线被忽略。 如果有此愿望,可以重复指挥线(?)。

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