Issue: I have two tables, one is a main table with several columns and a unique ID column (sequential numbers) which is also the key. This table has had some rows of data deleted that were not needed. So the remaining ID are for example 1,3,5,7 etc.
我还有第二个表,其中有两列,一列是唯一ID(键),另一列是文本。两个表最初都属于同一个表,但第二个表是在处理第一个表的同时提取和存储的;基本上它们具有相同的ID(密钥)。该表仍然具有所有ID 1,2,3,4,5,6,7等。
Table 1
ID Field 1 (Here I want the text from Table 2; only matching IDs)
1 Bla
3 Bla
5 Bla
7 Bla
Table 2
ID Text
1 Bla
2 Bla
3 Bla
4 Bla
5 Bla
6 Bla
7 Bla
Thank you, Patrik