English 中文(简体)
原标题:Can t figure out what s wrong with this regex
  • 时间:2010-10-09 21:25:51
  •  标签:
  • php
  • regex





    // Build an Array containing the Emoticon<-->Graphic matches
    if (!isset($EmoticonMatch))
        $EmoticonMatch = array(
             [:)]   =>  smile.gif ,
             [;)]   =>  wink.gif ,
        ); // Add more matches, if you need them... Put the corresponding graphics into the Plugin s images-folder

    // In case there s something wrong with the Array, exit the Function
    if (count($EmoticonMatch) == 0)

    // Define the basic Regex pattern to find Emoticons
    $EmoticonsSearch =  /(?:s|^) ;

    // Automatically extend the Regex pattern based on the Emoticon-Codes in the $EmoticonMatch-Array
    $subchar =   ;
    foreach ( (array) $EmoticonMatch as $Smiley => $Img ) {
        $firstchar = substr($Smiley, 0, 1);
        $rest = substr($Smiley, 1);

        // new subpattern?
        if ($firstchar != $subchar) {
            if ($subchar !=   ) {
                $EmoticonsSearch .=  )|(?:s|^) ;
            $subchar = $firstchar;
            $EmoticonsSearch .= preg_quote($firstchar,  / ) .  (?: ;
        } else {
            $EmoticonsSearch .=  | ;
        $EmoticonsSearch .= preg_quote($rest,  / );

    // Add final Regex pattern to the Search-Variable
    $EmoticonsSearch .=  )(?:s|$)/m ;


 * Hack the Discussion-Controller to replace Text with Smilies before output
 * @since 1.0
 * @version 1.0
 * @author Oliver Raduner
 * @uses Initialize()
 * @uses FindEmoticon()
public function DiscussionController_BeforeCommentDisplay_Handler(&$Sender)
    // Get the current Discussion and Comments
    $Discussion = &$Sender->EventArguments[ Discussion ];
    $Comment = &$Sender->EventArguments[ Comment ];

    // Initialize the our Emoticons-Stuff

    // Replace Emoticons in the Discussion and all Comments to it
    $Discussion->Body = $this->FindEmoticon($Discussion->Body);
    $Comment->Body = $this->FindEmoticon($Comment->Body);

 * Search through a Text and find any occurence of an Emoticon
 * @since 1.0
 * @version 1.0
 * @author Oliver Raduner
 * @uses $EmoticonImgTag()
 * @global array $EmoticonsSearch()
 * @param string $Text Content to convert Emoticons from.
 * @return string Converted string with text emoticons replaced by <img>-tag.
public function FindEmoticon($Text)
    global $EmoticonsSearch;

    $Output =   ;
    $Content =   ;

    // Check if the Emoticons-Searchstring has been set properly
    if (!empty($EmoticonsSearch) )
        $TextArr = preg_split("/(<.*>)/U", $Text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); // Capture the Tags as well as in between
        $Stop = count($TextArr);

        for ($i = 0; $i < $Stop; $i++)
            $Content = $TextArr[$i];

            // Check if it s not a HTML-Tag
            if ((strlen($Content) > 0) && ( <  != $Content{0}))
                // Documentation about preg_replace_callback: http://php.net/manual/en/function.preg-replace-callback.php
                $Content = preg_replace_callback($EmoticonsSearch, array(&$this,  EmoticonImgTag ), $Content);

            $Output .= $Content;

    } else {
        // Return default text.
        $Output = $Text;

    return $Output;

 * Translate an Emoticon Code into a <img> HTML-tag
 * @since 1.0
 * @version 1.0
 * @author Oliver Raduner
 * @global array $EmoticonMatch
 * @param string $Emoticon The Emoticon Code to convert to image.
 * @return string HTML-Image-Tag string for the emoticon.
public function EmoticonImgTag($Emoticon)
    global $EmoticonMatch;

    $PluginRoot =  Gdn::Config( Garden.WebRoot ).  plugins  . DS .  Emoticons  . DS;

    if (count($Emoticon) == 0) {
        return   ;

    $Emoticon = trim(reset($Emoticon));
    $Img = $EmoticonMatch[$Emoticon];
    $EmoticonMasked = $Emoticon;

    return   <img src=" .$PluginRoot. images .DS.$Img. " alt=" .$EmoticonMasked. " class="emoticon" />  ;











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