- One page for parsing requests (find the article they requested and send them the information)
- One page for editing articles
- One page for logging in
- Revision tracking (log of changes to each article)
- Article downloader (use PHP modules to output the article to a PDF, txt, or some other format and send it as a download using
- Media viewer (as on wikipedia, when you click an image it takes you to a page with information about that image, who uploaded it, how big it is, etc.)
- Anything else, be creative! =)
- First it has to find the article they re looking for. This could involve parsing their search string (converting "the_nile_river" to "The Nile River") before performing the search or it may require some comparing to find the most related post (seeing "The Nile" and redirecting to "The Nile River"). This part of the wiki you can improve upon infinitely, as no one has developed a "perfect" search algorithm yet.
- If the article can not be found, then you need to have some error state. Either give a list of suggested articles, continue the search looking for their terms in the body of each article instead of the title, or just apologize and ask that they search again. A good wiki will always offer them the ability to create the article if it doesn t exist (a link to the article editing page)
- If the article can be found, it needs to be able to translate the contents of the article to HTML. For extremely simple articles, this could just be a matter of using
to convert things like &
to &
. As your articles get more complicated, though, you may want a way to display headers, links to other articles, etc. For this you would probably want to use special template parsing so as to give your users no direct control over the HTML. I ve never personally coded one of these, but I can imagine it has a lot of preg_replace()
- Finally, you need to consider what header/sidebar/footer information to display. This information will probably be different if they re logged in, it may contain links to related articles, and it may have links to edit this article.
- Check to see if they re logged in
- If yes, give them a
which is pre-populated with the original article sans parsing
- If no, apologize and tell them to log in. Provide a link to the login page
- Check if
is set. If so, they ve sent their login information. If not, send them the login form. (username, password, submit)
- If it is set, hash the password (with a salt!), compare to the hash in the database, and if they match- start a session. If they don t match, apologize and send them the login form again.
id (int)
username (string)
hashed_password (string)
extra info (email, website, last seen, preferences, etc.)
- MySQL rows have a set size. This size can be set to something incredibly large like 16777216 characters, but there is still a limit, meaning a maximum article size. TXT files can grow arbitrarily large (http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/storage-requirements.html)
- Opening and reading files can go slower if there are many files on the system. A trick to prevent this slow-down that works on some systems and not others (depending on the file system in use) is to make multiple folders. For instance, every article that starts with "ab" ("Abdominals", "Absorbency", "Abel (Bible Character)", etc.) would be in one folder, and every article that starts with "ac" would be in another.
- TXT files theoretically pose slightly more of a security risk since you have to authenticate with an SQL server. This security risk can be nullified by putting the TXT files outside of the webroot and setting the permissions correctly (700 or similar)
- By keeping it in a database it s much easier to store meta-data about the article (right beside the article s content, have a separate column for "last edited", "edited by", "last searched", etc. This kind of data can be stored in a TXT file, but it s much harder since you d need to consider a delimiter for meta-data and you d have to edit it without harming the other contents of the file.
id (int)
title (tinyblob)
content (mediumblob)
meta info
- Database with link to image and information about image
- Method of referencing the image from within the template
- Method of parsing that reference based on the database values