English 中文(简体)
原标题:Changing the type of an entity at some point of its life

I have the following hierarchy: Party is a base class, extended by Person and Corporation. I need to change the object class of an entity at some point of its life, and I don t know what s the best way to do this.


class Party {
    public Set getShares();

class Corporation extends Party {
    public Set getShareholders();
    public void setShareholders(Party ss);


class Person extends Party {
    ... (some method still unknown)

I build the objects reading data from a source, and it can happen that at first I know only the name of a party, but I don t know whether it is a Person or a Corporation. But I need to create an object, so I create a generic Party. After that, it may happen that I come to know more infos, such that my Party was a Corporation. So, I need to change the class that represents that entity from Party to Corporation. Until now, my solution was to build a new object, copying the old data into it. But I m not satisfied with it, and I m wondering what s the best way, pattern or whatever else, to implement what I d like to achieve.








import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;

 * Utilities to support using dynamic proxies
public class DynamicProxy {

     * An invocation handler that passes calls to its delegate. This class
     * could be subclassed to provide dynamic method invocation handling
     * while still being able to fall back to the delegate object s methods.
     * @see InvocationHandler
    public static class DelegatingInvocationHandler
    implements InvocationHandler {

        /** The object this proxy is wrapping */
        private final Object delegate;

         * Creates a delegate invocation handler around an object
         * @param object
         *            The object to wrap
        public DelegatingInvocationHandler(final Object delegate) {
            this.delegate = delegate;

        /* (non-Javadoc)
         * @see java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler#invoke(java.lang.Object,
         * java.lang.reflect.Method, java.lang.Object[])
        public Object invoke(final Object proxy, final Method m,
                final Object[] args) throws Throwable {
            Object result;

            try {
                result = m.invoke(delegate, args);
            } catch (final InvocationTargetException e) {
                throw e.getTargetException();
            } catch (final Exception e) {
                throw new RuntimeException("unexpected invocation exception: "
                        + e.getMessage());

            return result;

     * Create a dynamic proxy that implements only a specified subset of the
     * original object s implemented interfaces. The proxy allows you to
     * essentially hide the other interfaces implemented by the original
     * object.
     * @param delegate
     *            the object that the proxy "proxies" for (a.k.a. the delegate
     *            that handles the calls the proxy "allows" through)
     * @param requiredInterface
     *            one of the interfaces of the delegate that the proxy exposes
     * @param moreInterfaces
     *            any additional interfaces of the delegate to expose
     * @return the proxy
     *             a proxy for the delegate that can be cast to any of the
     *             specified interfaces
    public static <T> T createSelectiveProxy(final T delegate,
            final Class<T> requiredInterface,
            final Class<?>... moreInterfaces) {
        if (delegate == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "The delegate object cannot be null");

        return createProxy(new DelegatingInvocationHandler(delegate),
                requiredInterface, moreInterfaces);

     * Creates a proxy using the specified invocation handler.
     * @param object
     *            the implementing object that proxy wraps
     * @param invocationHandler
     *            the interfaces
     * @param moreInterfaces
     *            the interfaces
     * @return the object
    public static <T> T createProxy(final InvocationHandler invocationHandler,
            final Class<T> requiredInterface,
            final Class<?>... moreInterfaces) {
        if (invocationHandler == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "The invocation handler cannot be null");

        final int size = (moreInterfaces != null ? moreInterfaces.length : 0);
        final Class<?>[] interfaces = new Class<?>[size + 1];
        interfaces[0] = requiredInterface;
        System.arraycopy(moreInterfaces, 0, interfaces, 1, moreInterfaces.length);

        return (T) Proxy.newProxyInstance(invocationHandler.getClass()
                .getClassLoader(), interfaces, invocationHandler);


public class DynamicProxyDemo {

    private interface A {
        void methodA();

    private interface B {
        void methodB();

    private static class Foo implements A, B {

        public void methodA() {

        public void methodB() {

    private DynamicProxyDemo() {}

    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        final Foo foo = new Foo(); // implements both interfaces

        // calls foo s methods, but only A methods
        final A a = DynamicProxy.createSelectiveProxy(foo, A.class);

        // calls foo s methods, but only B methods
        final B b = DynamicProxy.createSelectiveProxy(foo, B.class);

        // calls foo s methods, but A and B methods
        final A ab = DynamicProxy.createSelectiveProxy(foo, A.class, B.class);

 *** Call a method A.methodA() on proxy  a ");

        try {
 *** Call a method B.methodB() on proxy  a  (throws exception)");
            ((B) a).methodB();
        } catch (final Exception ex) {

 *** Call a method B.methodB() on proxy  b ");

        try {
 *** Call a method A.methodA() on proxy  b  (throws exception)");
            ((A) b).methodA();
        } catch (final Exception ex) {

 *** Call a method A.methodA() on proxy  ab ");

 *** Call a method B.methodB() on proxy  ab ");
        ((B) ab).methodB();

        // ClassCastException: $Proxy0 cannot be cast to DynamicProxy$Foo
        try {
 *** Call a method  A  of class  Foo  on proxy  a  (throws exception)");
            ((Foo) a).methodA();
        } catch (final Exception ex) {

        // ClassCastException: $Proxy1 cannot be cast to DynamicProxy$Foo
        try {
 *** Call a method  B  of class  Foo  on proxy  b  (throws exception)");
            ((Foo) b).methodB();
        } catch (final Exception ex) {

        // ClassCastException: $Proxy0 cannot be cast to DynamicProxy$B
        try {
 *** Call a method B.methodB() on proxy  a  (throws exception)");
            ((B) a).methodB();
        } catch (final Exception ex) {

        // ClassCastException: $DynamicProxy1 cannot be cast to DynamicProxy$A
        try {
 *** Call a method A.methodA() on proxy  b  (throws exception)");
            ((A) b).methodA();
        } catch (final Exception ex) {


 *** Call a method A.methodA() on proxy  a 

 *** Call a method B.methodB() on proxy  a  (throws exception)
java.lang.ClassCastException: net.bertfernandez.reflection.$Proxy0 cannot be cast to net.bertfernandez.reflection.DynamicProxyDemo$B
    at net.bertfernandez.reflection.DynamicProxyDemo.main(DynamicProxyDemo.java:49)

 *** Call a method B.methodB() on proxy  b 

 *** Call a method A.methodA() on proxy  b  (throws exception)
java.lang.ClassCastException: net.bertfernandez.reflection.$Proxy1 cannot be cast to net.bertfernandez.reflection.DynamicProxyDemo$A
    at net.bertfernandez.reflection.DynamicProxyDemo.main(DynamicProxyDemo.java:59)

 *** Call a method A.methodA() on proxy  ab 

 *** Call a method B.methodB() on proxy  ab 

 *** Call a method  A  of class  Foo  on proxy  a  (throws exception)
java.lang.ClassCastException: net.bertfernandez.reflection.$Proxy0 cannot be cast to net.bertfernandez.reflection.DynamicProxyDemo$Foo
    at net.bertfernandez.reflection.DynamicProxyDemo.main(DynamicProxyDemo.java:73)

 *** Call a method  B  of class  Foo  on proxy  b  (throws exception)
java.lang.ClassCastException: net.bertfernandez.reflection.$Proxy1 cannot be cast to net.bertfernandez.reflection.DynamicProxyDemo$Foo
    at net.bertfernandez.reflection.DynamicProxyDemo.main(DynamicProxyDemo.java:81)

 *** Call a method B.methodB() on proxy  a  (throws exception)
java.lang.ClassCastException: net.bertfernandez.reflection.$Proxy0 cannot be cast to net.bertfernandez.reflection.DynamicProxyDemo$B
    at net.bertfernandez.reflection.DynamicProxyDemo.main(DynamicProxyDemo.java:89)

 *** Call a method A.methodA() on proxy  b  (throws exception)
java.lang.ClassCastException: net.bertfernandez.reflection.$Proxy1 cannot be cast to net.bertfernandez.reflection.DynamicProxyDemo$A
    at net.bertfernandez.reflection.DynamicProxyDemo.main(DynamicProxyDemo.java:97)






I believe, there is no other way. After you typed new you can no longer go down the class hierarchy. You can only go up.
Upcasting is very logical for, i think, obvious reasons. However, upcasting of object in Java (and in every language i know) is done only by upcasting references, not underlying object. Upcasting of underlying objects is impossible, as far as i know.
As for downcasting of underlying object - it is impossible too. It may be related to general design of language and, which is more important, memory allocation issues. I ll explain.
Suppose class Base can have maximum 4 Mb of RAM, and class Derived - 7 Mb.
So your memory looks like this(1 symbol = 1 Mb): BASEBASEOTHERDERIVED. And suppose you re telling system to convert second base class to Derived. System can do this: BASEDERIVEDERDERIVED. As you can see, object OTHER is corrupted this way. System can also do this: BASEDERIVEDOTHERDERIVED. But in this case it must move addresses of OTHER and DERIVED, which is expensive, maybe even dangerous and hard, especially if there are more than two objects in RAM. So the preffered solution is: BASE____OTHERDERIVEDDERIVED, where _____ is free space, which is similar to freeing memory and allocating new object.



class Party {
    PartyKind kind;
    Map<String, Property<?>> properties;

    public Property getProperty(String name) {
        return properties.get(name);

class Property<T> {
    T value;

enum PartyKind {







abstract class Party {
    protected String nameOfParty;
    private Set<String> shares=new HashSet<String>();
    public Party(String name) {
    public Set<String> getShares(){
        return shares;
    public void addShare(Party corp) {
         shares.add(((Corp)corp).nameOfParty);//only add corporation s share.


public class Corp extends Party {
    private Set<String> shareHolders = new HashSet<String>();

    public Corp(String name) {

    public Corp(Party per) {

    public Set<String> getShareholders() {
        return shareHolders;

    public void addShareholder(Party shareHolder) {

    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("Name Of Corp : ").append(nameOfParty);
Share s: ").append(this.getShares());
Share Holder s : ").append(shareHolders);
        return sb.toString();



public class Person extends Party {

    public Person(String name) {

    public Person(Party name) {

    public void unknowMethod() {


    public String toString() {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("Name Of Person : ").append(nameOfParty);
Share s: ").append(this.getShares());
        return sb.toString();



public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
     * Initially consider all party s to be person s 
     * or create party with anonymous class if party information
     * is not available at that time of creation.
        Party google = new Party("Google") {}; //Party with anonymous class
        Party yahoo = new Person("Yahoo");
        Party george = new Person("George");
        Party ali = new Person("Ali");
        Set<Party> list = new HashSet<Party>();

        // later came to know that google and yahoo are corporation s
        google = changeToCorp(list, google);
        yahoo = changeToCorp(list, yahoo);

        for (Party pty : list) {
            if (pty instanceof Person) {
                Person p = (Person) pty;
                p.unknowMethod();// access method s of person
                  will throw exception since ali is a person and cannot be added as share*/
" + pty);
            if (pty instanceof Corp) {
                Corp c = (Corp) pty;
                c.addShareholder(george);// access method s of corp
                c.addShareholder(ali);// share holder s can be either a person or a corporation
" + pty);


    static Corp changeToCorp(Set<Party> se, Party per) {
        Corp p = new Corp(per);
        return p;


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