Hello Some is bugging my mind lately, a website I develop has an ability to add new rows to the table via javascript and each time I add a row I have to apply plugins to each row as such:
$( .data tbody tr ).each(function(idx) {
$("input:text", this).setMask();
syncRow(this, idx);
function countRows(){
return $( .data tbody tr ).size();
function syncRowStatus(){
var totalRowSize = countRows();
var newHtml = "Total rows: "+ (totalRowSize); //as it is 0-indexed
function syncRow(row, idx){
//fix row id.
$(row).attr("id","row-"+idx );
//fix pk field.
var pk = $("td input:eq(0)" ,row);
pk.attr( name , form- + idx + -pk ).attr( id , id_form- + idx + -pk );
//fix checked field.
var selected = $("td input:eq(1)" ,row);
selected.attr( name , form- + idx + -selected ).attr( id , id_form- + idx + -selected );
//fix start_time field.
var start_time = $("td input:eq(2)" ,row);
start_time.attr( name , form- + idx + -start_time ).attr( id , id_form- + idx + -start_time );
//fix end_time field.
var end_time = $("td input:eq(3)" ,row);
end_time.attr( name , form- + idx + -end_time ).attr( id , id_form- + idx + -end_time );
//fix program name.
var program_name = $("td input:eq(4)" ,row);
program_name.attr( name , form- + idx + -program_name ).attr( id , id_form- + idx + -program_name );
//fix year
var year = $("td input:eq(5)" ,row);
year.attr( name , form- + idx + -year ).attr( id , id_form- + idx + -year );
//And it goes like this...