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原标题:How to view annotation of java classfile via command line?





Correct me if im wrong, but I thought, that annotations are stripped from the classes by the compiler, unless you use the Annotation @Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) on the Annotations itself, the information will not be preserved in the class file. If the annotations are preserved in the classfile, you can use javap (part of the jdk) to see those:

javap my.package.MyClass




在javap 1.7或更高版本中使用-verbose或-v标志将显示保留的注释。


javap -p -v ./services/target/windup-web-services/WEB-INF/classes/org/jboss/windup/web/services/model/RegisteredApplication.class

 #50 = Utf8   Ljavax/persistence/Column;
 #64 = Utf8   Lorg/jboss/windup/web/services/validators/NotBlankConstraint;
 #67 = Utf8   Ljavax/validation/constraints/Size;
private java.lang.String title;
  descriptor: Ljava/lang/String;
  flags: ACC_PRIVATE
    0: #50(#62=I#63)
    1: #64(#65=s#66)
    2: #67(#68=I#69,#70=I#63,#65=s#71

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