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Change button text jquery mobile

I m using the new jquery mobile 1.0 alpha 1 release to build a mobile app and I need to be able to toggle the text of a button. Toggling the text works fine, but as soon as you perform the text replacement the css formatting gets broken.

Screenshot of the messed up formatting: http://awesomescreenshot.com/03e2r50d2

    <div class="ui-bar">
        <a data-role="button" href="#" onclick="Podcast.play(); return false" id="play">Play</a>
        <a data-role="button" href="#" onclick="Podcast.download(); return false" id="download">Download</a>
        <a data-role="button" href="#" onclick="Podcast.consumed(); return false" id="consumed">Mark Old</a>

$("#consumed").text("Mark New");

When you create the button it adds some additional elements, some inner <span> elements that look like this:

<a data-role="button" href="#" onclick="Podcast.consumed(); return false" id="consumed">
  <span class="ui-btn-inner ui-btn-corner-all">
    <span class="ui-btn-text">Mark Old</span>

To change the text, you ll want this selector:

$("#consumed .ui-btn-text").text("Mark New");
<a data-role="button" href="#" id="consumed">Mark Old</a>

You want to:

$( #consumed ).text( Mark New );
$( #consumed ).button( refresh );

The reason is to enable your changes to be backwards-compatible with future versions of jQuery mobile.

I read through this and various options online and think I may have a simpler solution. It definitely works for links you are turning into a button with the data-role="button" attribute.

Simply put the text of the button in a separate span, and then change the contents of the span in your JavaScript.


<a data-role="button" href="#" id="consumed"><span id="oldBtnText">Mark Old</span></a>

Then a simple

$( #oldBtnText ).html("Old");

Will do the job. It also shouldn t be a problem if jQuery changes their structure.

I wrote a simple plugin to do this for either a link based button, or an <input type="button"> button. So if you have

<input type="button" id="start-button" val="Start"/>


<a href="#" data-role="button" id="start-button">Start</a>

Either way, you can change the displayed text with


Here s the plugin:

(function($) {
     * Changes the displayed text for a jquery mobile button.
     * Encapsulates the idiosyncracies of how jquery re-arranges the DOM
     * to display a button for either an <a> link or <input type="button">
    $.fn.changeButtonText = function(newText) {
        return this.each(function() {
            $this = $(this);
            if( $this.is( a ) ) {
                $( span.ui-btn-text ,$this).text(newText);
            if( $this.is( input ) ) {
                // go up the tree
                var ctx = $this.closest( .ui-btn );
                $( span.ui-btn-text ,ctx).text(newText);

... because sprinkling your code with dependencies on exactly how jQuery Mobile renders these buttons is not a good idea. Programming rule: if you gotta use a hack, isolate it to a well-documented, re-usable chunk of code.

This works for me:

$( #idOfOriginalButton ).prev( .ui-btn-inner ).children( .ui-btn-text ).html( new text );

solution from: http://forum.jquery.com/topic/changing-text-works-except-for-buttons

For markup like

<button id="consumed">Mark Old</button>

$("#consumed").html("Mark New");
$("span > span", $("#consumed").parent()).html("Mark New");

In the new jquery mobile version there is an inner span tag within the button.

So you have not to change the text of the a tag but to change the text of the inner span.


$("#consumed .ui-btn-text").text("test");

As of JQM 1.3.1 (maybe earlier?) simple .text() seems to be supported.

For those interested in a easy solution, I created a plugin called Audero Text Changer.

For some reason I am not having an ui-btn-text classed span the first time I want to change the button text. So I workaround it like this:

var button = $("#consumed");
var innerTextSpan = button.find(".ui-btn-text");

// not initialized - just change label
if (innerTextSpan.size() == 0) {

// already initialized - find innerTextSpan and change its label    
} else {

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