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原标题:C++: What are scenarios where using pointers is a "Good Idea"(TM)? [duplicate]
  • 时间:2010-10-27 04:29:14
  •  标签:
  • c++
  • pointers
This question already has answers here:
Closed 12 years ago.

Possible Duplicate:
Common Uses For Pointers?






What are good scenarios where using pointers is a must?
What do they allow you to do that you couldn t do otherwise?
In which way to they make your programs more efficient?





  • 指针主要用于引用动态分配的内存(由new返回)。

  • 它们允许函数接受无法复制到堆栈上的参数,因为这些参数太大或无法复制,例如系统调用返回的对象。(我认为堆叠对齐也可能是一个问题,但过于模糊而无法自信。)

  • 在嵌入式编程中,它们被用来指代硬件寄存器之类的东西,这些寄存器要求代码写入内存中的非常特定的地址。

  • 指针还用于通过它们的基类接口访问对象。也就是说,如果我有一个从类a<code>类B派生的类B:public a{}A*A=&;b对象

  • 使用指针作为数组上的迭代器是一种C语言习惯用法。这可能在较旧的C++代码中仍然很常见,但可能被认为是STL迭代器对象的一个糟糕的表亲。

  • 如果你需要与C码接口,你将不可避免地需要处理用来指动态分配的物体的点码,因为有no参考资料。 Cstrings只是指由Nul 性质终止的一系列特性。


声明是C风格,但我说,我有一系列点人可以指.。 这被视为任意的体积(体积由C风格的体体体(由Nul 特性终止的胎体阵列)。





  • When I need to dynamically create an object whose lifetime exceeds the scope in which it was created.
  • When I need to allocate an object whose size is unknown at compile time.
  • When I need to transfer ownership of an object from one thing to another without actually copying it (like in a linked list/heap/whatever of really big, expensive structs)
  • When I need to refer to the same object from two different places.
  • When I need to slice an array without copying it.
  • When I need to use compiler intrinsics to generate CPU-specific instructions, or work around situations where the compiler emits suboptimal or naive code.
  • When I need to write directly to a specific region of memory (because it has memory-mapped IO).






int *array = new int[dynamicSize];



  • If you are using Abstract Base Classes with virtual methods. You can hold a std::vector and loop through all these objects and call a virtual method. This REQUIRES pointers.
  • You can pass a pointer to a buffer to a method reading from a file etc.
  • You need a lot of memory allocated on the heap.


What are good scenarios where using pointers is a must?
Interviews. Implement strcpy.

What do they allow you to do that you couldn t do otherwise?
Use of inheritance hierarchy. Data structures like Binary trees.

In which way to they make your programs more efficient?
They give more control to the programmer, for creating and deleting resources at run time.

And what about pointers to pointers???
A frequently asked interview question. How will you create two dimensional array on heap.




 List<char*>* fileToList(char*filename) { //dont want to pass list by value
 ClassName* DataToMyClass(DbConnectionOrSomeType& data) { 
 //alternatively you can do the below which doesnt require pointers
 void DataToMyClass(DbConnectionOrSomeType& data, ClassName& myClass) { 


 bool SetToFiveIfPositive(int**v) {

You can use them for linked lists, trees, etc. They re very important data structures.



#include <iostream>

void main()
    int i = 1;
    int j = 2;

    int *pInt = &i;                 // "pInt" points to "i"

    std::cout<<*pInt<<std::endl;    // prints: 1

    *pInt = 6;                      // modify i, i = 6

    std::cout<<i<<std::endl;        // prints: 6

    int **ppInt = &pInt;            // "ppInt" points to "pInt"

    std::cout<<**ppInt<<std::endl;  // prints: 6

    **ppInt = 8;                    // modify i, i = 8

    std::cout<<i<<std::endl;        // prints: 8

    *ppInt = &j;                    // now pInt points to j

    *pInt = 10;                     // modify j, j = 10

    std::cout<<j<<std::endl;        // prints: 10


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