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管理系统XML “该系统无法找到特定资源”
原标题:MSXML "The system cannot locate the resource specified"
  • 时间:2010-10-28 09:54:53
  •  标签:
  • vb.net
  • msxml

我的职能是利用MSXML张贴一份XML文件,该文件尽管没有改动,但昨天开始失败。 该职能如下:

Public Function PostFile(ByVal address As String, ByVal data As Byte()) As xmldocument
    Dim response As New XmlDocument

    Dim xmlDoc As New MSXML2.DOMDocument

        xmlHTTP.open("post", address, False)

        If xmlHTTP.responseXML.xml <> String.Empty Then
            Return response
            Dim result As String = "<NO_Response><Error>the post succeeded to " + address + " but there was no responce returned</Error><Hint>Check FireWall Settings</Hint></NO_Response>"
            Return response
        End If

    Catch ex As Exception
         Error logging code removed

    End Try
    Return Nothing
End Function

XML文件以及正在通过的地址是正确的,造成错误的行文是xmlHTTP.send(xmlDoc)。 我在两台不同的机器上尝试了这台机器,每台都有同样的错误,并且还尝试转录MSXML3,但没有成功。


InnerException: Nothing 
Message:        "The system cannot locate the resource specified. "
Source:         "msxml3.dll"    
StackTrace:     "   at MSXML2.XMLHTTPClass.send(Object varBody)    at comms.HTTPHandler.PostFile(String address, Byte[] data) in D:SCCMainSenderHttp.vb:line 42"

事实证明这是一个网络问题,首先,我怀疑这一问题,因为错误的提出速度如此快,没有提出最终点的问题。 问题在于在防火墙上添加了一条规则,防止与目的地的通信。


If you are just processing the xml or dtd is offline, you can use: xmlDoc.resolveExternals = False

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