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将PHPdoc列入CakePHP 案卷
原标题:Bring PHPdoc to include CakePHP .ctp files

I m documenting my CakePHP app using PHPdocumentor. As you might know, after CakePHP convention, the views are contained in .ctp files (e.g. app/views/addresses/index.ctp), which are basically normal PHP files just with a changed file extension. PHPdocumentor only recognizes .php files, and I cannot find an option in the config file to let it know of the .ctp files. THis section come closest to what I want:

;; comma-separated list of files to parse
;; legal values: paths separated by commas
;filename = /path/to/file1,/path/to/file2,fileincurrentdirectory

But as it seems it doesn t acceppt wildcards like *.php, and I really don t want to write a list of my 50 view files into this config file (unless there s a better solution). Is there a possibility to configurate phpdoc globally to include .ctp files or do I have to change this in a somewhat hackish was somewhere in the phpdoc source?


您应更新网站文件部分的[_phpDocumentor_phpfile_exts]部分。 档案中包含任何额外档案延期,请将文件文件存放在册。


该评论说的是道路;与档案名称无关。 Maybe试图将这条道路添加到views的名录上,但如果它正在寻找*.php。 然后,我不认为这样做会非常好。

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