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原标题:Prolog query to find largest element in database?
  • 时间:2010-10-29 14:31:29
  •  标签:
  • prolog

如果我界定了Prolog数据库中的所有数字,例如dig(0), dig(1), ......, dig(9)。 我能用什么问询来把人数最多的数字——在本案中是9人?


?- dig(N), dig(M), N > M.




  • 在校人数

  • 检查该位数是最大的(即没有其他位数)


        M > N


?- dig(Max), +((dig(X), X > Max)).


?- findall(X, dig(X), Digits), max_list(Digits, Max).

But check out Max out of values defined by prolog clauses for more solutions, with better and worse complexities.


:- between(1, 12345, X), assert(dig(X)), fail ; true.

:- time((findall(X, dig(X), Digits), max_list(Digits, Max))),
       write( Findall max:  ), write(Max), nl.

:- time((dig(Max), +((dig(X), X > Max)))), write( \+ max:  ), write(Max), nl.

On my 5 years old laptop it clearly shows that the findall-version is much faster if you have e.g. 12345 entries in your database.

% 37,085 inferences, 0.05 CPU in 0.06 seconds (87% CPU, 741700 Lips)
Findall max: 12345
% 76,230,375 inferences, 60.94 CPU in 72.30 seconds (84% CPU, 1250909 Lips)
+ max: 12345

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