English 中文(简体)
Lucene query praser, only 改为某个领域,行为在2.9.3中有所改变。
原标题:Lucene query praser, only read a certain fields query, behavior changed in 2.9.3
  • 时间:2010-10-28 16:01:50
  •  标签:
  • java
  • lucene

I need my query parser to only read fields that are "text".
for example, lets say my query is: text:"this fox" OR title:"brown dog" for highlighting purposes, i need the parser/searcher to only search using the text:"this fox" part. in 2.4 this worked fine, but since upgrading to 2.9.3, something has changed.


IndexSearcher is = new IndexSearcher(fsDir);
    QueryParser qp = new QueryParser("text", new StandardAnalyzer(nostop));
Query queryDiv;
    try {
      query = is.rewrite(queryParser.parse(query_str)); 

    catch (ParseException e) {
      pw.print("error: Incorrect query format");
Hits hits = is.search(queryDiv, sort);

    QueryScorer scorer = new QueryScorer(query, "text");

出于某种原因,我所不知,Lucene 2.9.3现在没有在2.4中显示任何结果,因为它忽视了文件意图所在领域,更不用说那里有OR条件。



请不予考虑。 我的逻辑存在一个缺陷,即适用后端。 页: 1



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