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C++ 指示点问题
原标题:C++ Struct pointer question

This is probably simple, but im trying to try and understand pointers better. Lets say I have a struct

struct Person{
  char Name[20];
  char ID[15];
  char Address[50];
  char Number[15];

and lets say I have a bunch of these stored in memory like one after the other. so now i declare a new pointer to the struct.

struct Person *ptr;

该名点人是否会在飞行情报区进入时开始? (a) 第一个“Name”和当Ierate it(aka ptr++)时,它将前往下届《防止母婴传播公约》或下一个“入境”卡,如名称和编号;ID-->


Jason Adams
111 Fake Drive


Matt Johns
555 Derp lane

现在,我把粉碎(ptr++)的 point点推到第二层(一个有 m子的 j子)或指向Jason Adams的“ID”



它将指出第二个方向。 点名将采用<代码>(Person)。



然而,点人操纵是徒劳的,你可以做像把点人 cast到另一种类型。 一旦你这样做,点算法将按类型的根本大小推进。 通常,请见(按顺序排列的)或(未签名的果园*)的点数,以便个人可以随意查阅基本数据。


auto_ptr<Person> ptr(new Person); //auto_ptr for automatic freeing


strcpy(ptr->ID, "100"); //For illustraction
int offset = ptr->ID - ptr->Name; //Get offset of ID member
char *pID = ((char *)ptr.get())+ offset;
//Typecast to char pointer and increment by offset to get to ID field
cout<<pID; //Now pId can be used to access ID.



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