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• 帮助进行大概nes的泥浆
原标题:Help on a probably nested sql-query
  • 时间:2010-10-31 05:11:56
  •  标签:
  • sql
  • mysql

我的 m和我的 s不像我的 rub,因此我希望你能够帮助我。


to VARCHAR(255)
text text


"to =  STEAM_0:0:xxx  OR to =  STEAM_0:0:xxy  OR to =  STEAM_0:0:xxz "

It s a listening of active players and I want to check weather they have some unread messages. Now with that string I can do and a sprintf with this :

SELECT * FROM messages WHERE shown IS NULL AND (%s)"

• 冰层:

SELECT * FROM messages WHERE shown IS NULL AND (to =  STEAM_0:0:xxx  OR to =  STEAM_0:0:xxy  OR to =  STEAM_0:0:xxz )

NOW 我只有两个问题:

  1. The sql returns more then 1 entry for every field entry to, I would like to return exactly one message for every to (LIMIT 1 by to?) and it has to be the newest (first by id).


id, to,  text
1,  "x", "text1"
2,  "x", "text2"
3,  "y", "text3"
4,  "z", "text4"
5,  "y", "text5"
6,  "z", "text6"
7,  "y", "text7"


1,  "x", "text1"
3,  "y", "text3"
4,  "z", "text4"
  1. I would like to update the field shown within the same SQL call to NOW() for the retrieved entries.

Edit -


Select T1.[id],T1.[to],T1.[text] from Messages T1
inner join
   ( Select [to], min([id]) as id from Messages group by [to] ) T2
on T1.[id] = T2.id 

至少以id为最低值,然后按[到]分类。 否则,你就可以使用最高标准。


1,  "x", "text1"
3,  "y", "text3"
4,  "z", "text4"


UPDATE messages SET shown = Now() 
where [id] in 
   Select T1.[id] from messages T1 
   inner join 
   ( Select [to], min([id]) as id from messages group by [to]) T2
   on T1.[id] = T2.id

Regarding point #1 You have no field "uniqueid" in your table. I assume you mean "id" (your primary key)? If this is the case you will need to either update the where clause (changes uniqueid to id) or simply do nothing other than edit your post so we know that there is an additional field.


select count(*), id 
from messages 
where shown is null and (%s) 
group by id


关于点 第2号:你可以在同一询问中进行更新和选择。 你们将需要发出两条单独的电话。

update messages 
set shown = Now() 
where [some where clause here]

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