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原标题:Problem with PHP printing in drop down box
  • 时间:2010-11-03 14:26:53
  •  标签:
  • php


$ziua = "SELECT DISTINCT DAYOFMONTH(ziua) FROM rapoarte"; $ziuaResult = mysql_query($ziua);

With the results i get, i want to add them in a drop down box, like this: ` echo"Selectati Ziua:

            <td><select name= ziua >
            <option value= --- >---</option>";
        while($ziuaRow = mysql_fetch_array($ziuaResult)) {
         $ziua1 = $ziuaRow[ ziua ];
         echo "<option value= $ziua1 >$ziua1</option>";

a. 重复”


问题在于,我的落户箱是空的。 有2,3个备选办法(视特定结果而定),但没有案文。

I have the same problem with this selection: SELECT DISTINCT HOUR(ora) FROM rapoarte


thanks, Sebastian


sorry, i added the wrong code.


You are only selecting HOUR(ora) without the column ziua. The following should select the ziua column, unique by HOUR(ora).

SELECT DISTINCT HOUR(ora) AS something,ziua FROM rapoarte GROUP by something

如果您改名为error_ reporting(E_ALL);,你将发现关于未界定指数的错误,ziua


您的论点是否应当传到我的sql_fetch_array() ziuaResult而不是$trunchiResult?


echo "<option value= ".$trunchi1." >".$trunchi1."</option>"; 

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