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原标题:How to make smarty output debug info when template fails to compile?
  • 时间:2010-11-03 07:24:12
  •  标签:
  • php
  • smarty

I m已经设定了debugging Options to true ,但是,如果在打字模板上出现错误(即没有相应的缩略语),则无数据可供参考。




第一,如果出现错误——报告,你可以检查。 通常在php.ini这样做,但你可以把这些发言放在你的实验室来源之上。

ini_set( display_errors , 1);
ini_set( error_reporting , E_ALL);


2- 婚姻可报告错失为例外。 你们可以确定一个全球例外的手,以追捕他们。

try {
    // place your code here
} catch (Exception $e) {
    echo  Caught exception:  ,  $e->getMessage(), "



$tpl->compile_check = false;

在这种情况下,Sarty将显示最新汇编的来源,无论你对卷宗有何作用。 因此,你是否真的检查和设定了<代码>兼容_check?

$tpl->compile_check = true;


ini_set( display_errors , true);



$smarty->error_reporting = E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE;


error muting is done because some people implemented custom error_handlers using http://php.net/set_error_handler and for some reason did not understand the following paragraph:

It is important to remember that the standard PHP error handler is completely bypassed for the error types specified by error_types unless the callback function returns FALSE. error_reporting() settings will have no effect and your error handler will be called regardless - however you are still able to read the current value of error_reporting and act appropriately. Of particular note is that this value will be 0 if the statement that caused the error was prepended by the @ error-control operator.

Smarty deliberately uses @filemtime() over file_exists() and filemtime() in some places. Reasons include - @filemtime() is almost twice as fast as using an additional file_exists() - between file_exists() and filemtime() a possible race condition is opened, which does not exist using the simple @filemtime() approach.

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