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原标题:least squares fitting to a 3 dimensional data set

I am working on video stabilisation ( making shaky videos non-shaky) using matlab. One of the steps is to find a smooth camera path given the unstable camera path. The unstable camera path is one which gives the jittering or shake to the video. I have camera path specified using camera position which is a 3d-data. camera path - (cx,cy,cz);

As i plot in matlab, i can visually see the shakiness of the camera motion. So now i require a least squares fitting to be done on the camera path specified by(cx,cy,cz);

I came across polyfit() which does fitting for 2-dimensional data. But what i need is a 3-d smooth curve fit to the shaky curve. Thanks in advance.


Approach using least square fit:

t = (1:0.1:5) ;

% model
px = [ 5 2 1 ];
x =  polyval(px,t);

py = [ -2 1 1 ];
y = polyval(py,t);

pz = [ 1 20 1 ];
z = polyval(pz,t);

%  plot model
hold all

% simulate measurement 
xMeasured = x+2*(rand(length(x),1)-0.5);
yMeasured = y+2*(rand(length(y),1)-0.5);
zMeasured = z+2*(rand(length(z),1)-0.5);

% plot simulated measurements
plot3(xMeasured, yMeasured, zMeasured, or )
hold off
grid on

% least squares fit 
A = [t.^2, t, t./t];
pxEstimated = AxMeasured;
pyEstimated = AyMeasured;
pzEstimated = AzMeasured;


BTW:我认为你需要的是卡尔曼过滤器,而不是适合照相机的聚合物。 但是,我不敢肯定,是否马塔布拉为此提供支持。

Let me be grateful to stackoverflow.com first of all and then my thanks to zellus and nikie who had started me thinking about the problem more. So now I have reached the solution which follows zellus approach and as nikie pointed out I used parameter t . cx, cy,cz are the coordinates in 3d space and in my case they are all 343x1 doubles My final code is shown below which fits the 3d data set:

t = linspace(1,343,343) ;

 load cx.mat;
 load cy.mat;
 load cz.mat;

 plot3(cx, cy, cz, r ),title( source Camera Path );
 hold all

 A = [t.^2, t, t./t];
 fx = Acx;
 fy = Acy;
 fz = Acz;

 Xev = polyval(fx,t);
 Yev = polyval(fy,t);
 Zev = polyval(fz,t);

 plot3(Xev,Yev,Zev, +b ),title( Fitting Line );


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