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Javascript Value.onload callsback to Object function
原标题:Javascript Image.onload callback to object function

这给我带来了营养——我一直在圈子里,这是不受欢迎的。 我装上了多种动态图像,并有一个简单的 Java字标语,我对每个图像都进行了即时检查,一旦图像装满同步,就会有倒退。

I have verified that the callback code works just fine on a stand-alone basis (ie. I can call the callback manually after the image has loaded, and the image is rendered correctly), and I have verified that the image itself is successfully loaded (by switching the object s callback for a simple one line logging function), but when I try to tie it all together, the callback apparently never gets invoked.



function ImageHolder(aX,aY,aW,aH, anImageURL) {

    this.myImage = new Image();
    this.onload=function() {

        try {
            var d=document.getElementById("d");
            var mycanvas=d.getContext( 2d );
            mycanvas.drawImage(this.myImage, this.posx, this.posy, this.posw, this.posh);
            } catch(err) {
                console.log( Onload: could not draw image  +this.url);

你们有两个问题:首先,this.onload没有在你把它分配给形象的时候加以界定。 您可以通过在存储<代码>onload的左手作为this的财产而加以确定。 第二个问题是,当<代码>上载 手稿功能被称作时,this并不适用于你认为的(事实上,它提到了刚刚装满的<代码>Image。 您需要将目前<代码>(ImageHolder)的标语和用法放在“密码”栏目中。


var that = this;

this.myImage = new Image();
this.myImage.onload=function() {
    try {
        var d=document.getElementById("d");
        var mycanvas=d.getContext( 2d );
        mycanvas.drawImage(that.myImage, that.posx, that.posy, that.posw, that.posh);
    } catch(err) {
        console.log( Onload: could not draw image  +that.url);
this.myImage.src = anImageURL;


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