English 中文(简体)
原标题:Singleton with initializing a static member

在我最初设计的后面的《法典》中,“批号”需要在整个申请执行过程中发出下一个增益值。 因此,我把这个班子变成一个单一州。 然而,随着最近一些要求的变化,我需要重新确定“批号”。 我只是添加了这样做的重新定点方法。 然而,这无疑违反了单一州的模式,我也知道,以这种方式启动固定成员并不是一个好的想法。


public final class GetNextNumber {
    private static GetNextNumber instance; 
    private static Integer nextNumber=1;
    private GetNextNumber() {
    public static synchronized GetNextNumber getInstance() {
            instance = new GetNextNumber();
        return instance;
    protected Integer getNextNumber(){
        return nextNumber++;
    protected synchronized void reset(){
    public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
        throw new CloneNotSupportedException();

为什么没有田地就是一个例子变量? 这里无需静态。




  • getNextNumber is not synchronized.
  • since getNextNumber and reset are not static, nextNumber doesn t need to be static, either.

您可使用rel=“nofollow”>AtomicInteger>,以避免出现reset >:code>

public final class GetNextNumber {

    private static GetNextNumber instance;

    private AtomicInteger nextNumber = new AtomicInteger(1);

    private GetNextNumber() {

    public static synchronized GetNextNumber getInstance() {
            instance = new GetNextNumber();
        return instance;

    protected Integer getNextNumber(){
        return nextNumber.getAndIncrement();

    protected void reset(){

关于这方面的进一步讨论,见http://www.javamex.com/tutorials/synchronization_concurrency_7_atomic_integer_long.shtml”rel=“nofollow>。 Java5级原子学:原子学和原子学::

Before Java 5, we had to write classes with access to the counter variable in synchronized blocks or methods, or else use a volatile variable which is a lighter form of synchronization but with the risk that some updates could be missed if they happen concurrently. An AtomicInteger can be used as a drop-in replacement that provides the best of both worlds...

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