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Trying to guess if a ALAssetPropertyLocation is valid

I m using my new super powers to load an image from the AssetLibrary on iOS 4.+ and read the location the picture was taken. Unfortunately, I m not sure the ALAssetPropertyLocation is valid, and sometimes it looks llike it is, when actually there s nothing in there.

For example I have

+/- 0.00m (speed -1.00 mps / course -1.00) @ 11/11/10 19:32:41 Heure normale de lu2019Europe centrale

Which defeats my code of course:

CLLocation *loc = ((CLLocation*)[asset valueForProperty:ALAssetPropertyLocation]);
    CLLocationCoordinate2D gpsLocation = loc.coordinate;
    double acc = loc.horizontalAccuracy;
    NSLog(@"Accuracy:%f", acc);
    if(acc >0){
        detailItem.latitude = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:gpsLocation.latitude];
        detailItem.longitude = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:gpsLocation.longitude];
    NSDate *time = loc.timestamp;
    if(time != nil){
        detailItem.latitude = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:gpsLocation.latitude];
        detailItem.longitude = [NSNumber numberWithDouble:gpsLocation.longitude];

I usually use the accuracy, but here it s not negative.

Is that a bug, or do you think I should find the validity from another place?


OK, found it. Note for future self: look in CL for CL related functions and you will find CLLocationCoordinate2DIsValid. Much better than all horizontalAccuracy etc stuff.



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