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查阅 Java GridFS
原标题:Use mongofiles utility to access data inserted with Java GridFS API

I can successfully insert and retrieve data from MongoDB s GridFS in Java. However, when I try to access that data on the command line using mongofiles, I can t find it. The Java insertion code:

GridFS fs = new GridFS(Mongo.getStaticMongo("localhost:27017").getDB("myDb"), "myCollection");

try {
  GridFSInputFile inputFile = fs.createFile(content.getFile());
  inputFile.put(MONGO_KEY, content.getId().toString());   
} catch (IOException e) {
  throw new RuntimeException(e);


>mongofiles --host localhost:27017 -d myDb -c myCollection -vvvvvv list
Tue Nov 09 11:48:01 creating new connection to:localhost:27017
connected to: localhost:27017


Java GridFS的司机在什么地方拿到这些档案?


或许最好利用一个微型和小型的行政管理设施,来观察大湖数据库,了解情况。 I use phpMoAdmin。 我可以看到所有收藏品和物品。 您也可以编辑元数据。 至少这样,你就可以更广泛地看待问题。

<代码>mongofiles 指挥线工具只使用弹.。


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