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我如何阻止CAKEphp的 s注射
原标题:How do I block sql injections in CAKEphp

我如何阻止针头注射...... http://u.neighborrow.com/items/recent


如果你使用CakePHP S ORM方法(如发现和节省())和适当的阵列(如阵列(实地=和高价)而不是原材料,CakePHP已经保护了你免受注射。 对特别安全局进行净化,通常更能节省数据库中未加修改和在产出/显示时实现节约的原始超文本。

This should give you a good idea of how to do it.

App::import( Sanitize ); 
class MyController extends AppController {     ...     ... } 



幼儿园负责照料。 Read their book



$this->User->query("select username from users where email= $email_received_from_user_form ");

before executing that you need to:

App::import( Sanitize );

$email_received_from_user_form = Sanitize::paranoid($email_received_from_user_form, array( @ ,  _ ,  - ,  . ));



在你学习所有数据集之后,试图永远不使用数据。 采用卡纳克民阵这样的方式:

$this->User->field( username , array( email  => $email_received_from_user_form));

我这样说,你根本就不必担心Kingk注射。 除非你没有其他选择,否则你永远不应使用原始问题。

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