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Java - 如何找到一个目标
原标题:Java - How to find the class an Object is part of
  • 时间:2010-11-09 19:47:25
  •  标签:
  • java

是否在 Java找到某类物体是其中一部分?

class WrapperClass
    SomeObject o;
    { ... }


SomeObject foo = new SomeObject();
WrapperClass wrap = new WrapperClass();
wrap.o = foo;

Is there any way to find the corresponding WrapperClass object wrap from within the SomeObject object or one of it s methods?
Something along the lines of:





The short answer is "no".

你可以这样做,因为用户浏览器已经建议将包装类别列入<条码>SomeObject,但是在两个类别之间形成循环关系,<条码>WrapperClass已不再是 /em> 包装类别。


In most cases when we create a wrapper class, we are wrapping code which we have no control over, so you wouldn t normally even be able to modify SomeObject s constructor.

你们是否想试图继承? 或许可在<条码>上上延伸<条码>;SomeObject,并增加<条码>一些MethodOfWrapperClass()作为额外行为。


public class ExtendingClass extend SomeObject
    public void someMethodOfExtendingClass()
    { ... }

// so you can define an instance  foo  which is ALSO an instance of SomeObject
ExtendingClass foo = new ExtendingClass();

// now you can call...



SomeObject(WrapperClass parent) { this.parent = parent; }

In SomeObject: WrapperClass.this.someMethodOfWrapperClass (


class Outer
    Inner inner = new Inner();

    class Inner
        void foo()

    void bar()

    public static void main(String[] argv)
        Outer o;

        o = new Outer();




  1. One would be to add a reference to the wrapped SomeObject but that leads to circular dependency like Justin pointed out.
  2. Second, would be to simply make SomeObjectWrapper extends SomeObject but do you even have control over that part of code?
  3. 最终将是制定一项公约,并利用思考来制定守则(我使用的是WrappedObject.name+“Wrapper”):

    package test;
    public class ObjectWrapper {
        Object o;
        public ObjectWrapper(Object o){
        this.o = o;
    Object o = new Object();
    String pack = "test";
    String name = package+o.getClass().getSimpleName()+"Wrapper";
    Class objWrapper = Class.forName(name);

但是,这还远远不足以成为任何用途。 举例说,如果你制定<条码>。 物体 o = 新的Integer 整个事物将从例外处理。

问题没有意义。 Objects是课堂的一部分。 <>References 是课堂的一部分,但指点为t。 多次提到同一目标。 因此,你甚至能够找到任何具体物体的独特参考资料,更不用说提及哪类。

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