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页: 1 气温排放物中的pl?
原标题:Perl: what does checkstack.pl in linux source do?

I am doing a project in linux kernel and I wanted to know what does this checkstack.pl do? I have never studied perl so cant understand the program. It will be great if I could understand the program conceptually if not line by line. Any effort appreciated.

Source: link text

那些想写一下我自己 t的手法,就可以在一项C方案中书写。 我的主要问点是:为什么这一法典是书面的,还是应该用纸面书写?



The way it does this is by going through the disassembly of the kernel and looking for 2 things: function names and instructions which adjust the stack. It looks for function names by looking for lines that match $funcre (qr/^$x* <(.*)>:$/), and it looks for stack adjustment instructions that match $re or $dre; the latter two depend highly on what architecture the kernel was compiled for, which is what the first big block if if/else statements is checking for. $re searches for functions which adjust the stack by a fixed amount (the vast majority of functions), and $dre searches for functions which adjust the stack by a variable amount (rare).

binutils;objdump -d是指示拆卸物体档案的一部分。 该文字的用法是将陶器(objdump -d vmlinux)和管道产出分解成文字。 文字的输出是按最大等级划分的纸浆中所有功能的清单。 我假定该书的用意是,纸浆商能够避免支流,痛苦地确保一切的打脚架尽可能小,而且这一文字允许他们核实这一点。



你们可以发现, run忙的用法,处理第一种论点和最后的当地变数的地址,然后将其抛开,例如:

int stack_usage_func(char i)
    int j,k,l;

    char buf[256];
    char m;
    unsigned long stack_use = &i - &m;
    //do all processing
    return stack_use


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