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原标题:Get the name of the java process instead of pid?
  • 时间:2010-11-11 06:59:29
  •  标签:
  • java

jps.exe which found on JDK 1.5 and subsequently can monitoring all Java process but is there a way to identifying the specified control line and end the rightid?




The jps command supports a number of options that modify the output of the command. These options are subject to change or removal in the future.


论点被采纳为主要方法。 对于嵌入式的初测验仪,产出可能无效。



通过旗帜档案(The hotspotrc file or the file specified by the -XX:Flags= debate)将论点提交科索沃竞争主管机构。

<代码>jps至grepsedawkperl 甚至还有进一步配对、分配和采取行动的 Java方案。 在Windows,利用这些公用事业的最容易的方法是利用银河。


如果用户没有jps,可使用ps。 <>ps的指挥线选择在平台之间有所不同,见man ps。 I use ps -C java -o pid,time,cmd to list java processes on a CentOS system. 之后,<>终止。

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