English 中文(简体)
原标题:How to check/uncheck a checkbox based on the state check/uncheck of another checkbox
  • 时间:2010-11-16 18:25:36
  •  标签:
  • jquery

Guys试图检查/检查另一个检查箱的国家检查/检查箱。 并且试图为这里的每个检查箱打造一个吉克文。

从根本上说,如果对“客户领域[12_1]_la1”进行检查,则要检查“名单1”的状况。 此外,还确定了在“外地[12_1]_la1”时不予检查的地位。

And the same for the rest: so the correlations are: CustomFields[12_1]_la1 ---> lists_1 CustomFields[12_1]_la2 ---> lista_2 and on and on...

NOTE: i CANT change the name of the ids.

<td><span class="required">*</span>&nbsp;
    <td><label for="CustomFields[12_1]_la1"><input type="checkbox"     id="CustomFields[12_1]_la1" name="CustomFields[12][]" value="la1">la1</label><br/><label     for="CustomFields[12_1]_la2"><input type="checkbox" id="CustomFields[12_1]_la2"     name="CustomFields[12][]" value="la2">la2</label><br/><label for="CustomFields[12_1]_la3">    <input type="checkbox" id="CustomFields[12_1]_la3" name="CustomFields[12][]"     value="la3">la3</label><br/><label for="CustomFields[12_1]_la4"><input type="checkbox"     id="CustomFields[12_1]_la4" name="CustomFields[12][]" value="la4">la4</label><br/></td>
    <td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Contact Lists:</td>
    <td><label for="lists_1"><input type="checkbox" id="lists_1" name="lists[]"     value="1" />&nbsp;ddsd</label></td>
    <td><label for="lists_2"><input type="checkbox" id="lists_2" name="lists[]"     value="2" />&nbsp;laconce1</label></td>
    <td><label for="lists_3"><input type="checkbox" id="lists_3" name="lists[]"     value="3" />&nbsp;laconce2</label></td>
    <td><label for="lists_4"><input type="checkbox" id="lists_4" name="lists[]"     value="4" />&nbsp;laconce3</label></td>
    <td><select name="CustomFields[13]" id="CustomFields_13_1"><option value="">--      Please choose an option --</option><option value="Contacto">Contacto</option><option     value="Oportunidad">Oportunidad</option><option value="Vendido">Vendido</option></select>    </td>
</tr><input type="hidden" name="format" value="h" />
                <input type="submit" value="Subscribe" />


<script type="text/javascript">
        $("#CustomFields[12_1]_la1").click(function() {
               if ($("CustomFields[12_1]_la1").attr("checked") == true) {
                $("lists_1").attr( checked , true);
                } else if ($("CustomFields[12_1]_la1").attr("checked") == false) {
                 $("lists_1").attr( checked , false);

没有人能够建议开展新的工作,争取达到什么目标? 感谢大家


you re not referencing the checkboxes properly, need to use class or ID

  <script type="text/javascript">
            $("#CustomFields[12_1]_la1").click(function() {

                    $("#lists_1").attr( checked , $(this).attr("checked"));
                    $("#lists_2").attr( checked , $(this).attr("checked"));
                    $("#lists_3").attr( checked , $(this).attr("checked"));
                   $("#lists_4").attr( checked , $(this).attr("checked"));



  <script type="text/javascript">
            $("#CustomFields[12_1]_la1").click(function() {

                    $(".lists_all").attr( checked , $(this).attr("checked"));


对改变事件而不是点击事件有约束力。 因此,你正在根据点击后变件的价值更新相关的核对箱。

function change_handler(e) {
    var $t = $(e.target),
        t_is_checked = $t.is( :checked ),
        list_number = $t.attr( id ).split( _ ).reverse()[0].splice(2),
        related_item_id = "#list_" + list_number,
        related_item = $(related_item_id);
    related_item.attr( checked , t_is_checked ?    :  checked );

// bind to all your target input fields (maybe give them a class for easy selection)
// (just binding one for this example)

    //.unbind( change ) // really handy if you are testing the code via console
    .bind( change , change_handler)
    .change(); // trigger a bogus change event to setup the initial checkbox state

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