English 中文(简体)
原标题:.change() only work on select when multiple is on

http://api.jquery.com/change/rel=“nofollow”>:change(/a>。 j 质量功能。




认为只有在输入要素的价值发生变化时才会发生<代码>变更<>>。 当用户与多价值选择互动时,无论是通过改用或使用键盘,其价值都会发生变化——你可以看到,在页上的正文中,该元素的<代码>价值已经展示。

但是,对于单一价值选择,数值不是。 当你打开下跌和 h倒价值时,或者当你与你的主板相同时,就发生了改变。 因此,<代码>change活动是正确的。

如果你想要“工作”解决该问题,你就能够总是利用关键活动来控制价值和用途的变化。 这是一种简单的例子,说明这种职能可能包括:

$( select ).focus(function() {
    var v = this.value,
        t = $(this),
        c = t.children( :selected ); // Store the currently selected 
                                     // option element in a variable

    t.keydown(function(e) {
        switch (e.keyCode) {
        case 38:
        case 37:
            c = c.prev().length ? c.prev() : c;
        case 40:
        case 39:
            c = c.next().length ? c.next() : c;

        // Do something with this information
}).blur(function() {
    $(this).unbind( keydown );

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 见这方面的简单解调:


I think that behaviour is caused by the way browsers handle keyboard events on select boxes. For single line select fields, the onchange event is triggered when the value has changed and the focus is moved out of the field, either by pressing enter or tab or by clicking somewhere outside the field. This makes sense in certain scenarios: If you for example want to redirect a user to a different page depending on his selection, you still want him to be able to scroll through the field with the arrow keys without reloading the page after each keypress.



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