English 中文(简体)
  • 时间:2009-04-14 14:04:35
  •  标签:




<强>注:这可能不会工作在当前版本的颠覆和是一个坏主意,但是我已经离开这里的信息< /强>

<强>注:< /强> < em >通常当你有检查的错误,你应该回复提交——看到其他的回答这个问题。然而,如果你想知道如何撤销提交的影响和改变存储库之前,有一些解释如下:< / em >

不是你通常想要的是什么,但如果你真的<强> < /强>想要删除的实际版本的库,那么你可以做一个讨厌的回滚的库,如下所示(这里假设<代码> < /代码>牧师将美元最新修订,要删除):

  • Backup your repository first as these changes may break it (and read the assumptions below)
  • Revert your local copy to the previous revision so it doesn t get confused (svn revert -r $((REV-1)))
  • In the repository, remove db/revs/$REV and db/revprops/$REV
  • In the repository, remove db/current and (for subversion 1.6 or greater) db/rep-cache.db, and run svnadmin recover .
  • (Possibly) adjust the permissions on db/rep-cache.db to prevent attempt to write a readonly database errors


  • You re using a fsfs-based repository
  • Subversion release greater than 1.5.0 (otherwise you have to manually edit db/current and change the revision number rather than running svnadmin recover .)
  • No other subsequent revisions have been committed
  • You have write access to the filesystem of the repository
  • You aren t scared of somebody else trying to access it while you do the above



看到< a href = " http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.8/svn.branchmerge.basicmerging.html svn.branchmerge.basicmerging.undo”rel = " noreferrer " > SVNBook < / >,特别是取消更改部分,和反向合并。


美元svn合并- r 303:302 < a href = " http://svn.example.com/repos/calc/trunk " rel = " noreferrer " > http://svn.example.com/repos/calc/trunk < / >

澄清一下,你最初的变化将< em >仍然是在存储库中< / em >。但你现在已经收回了它在以后的修订。即存储库中已经占据了你所有的改变(这是你真正想要的!除非你已经签入一个明文密码或类似的!)

< /强> <强>警告:接受答案(大卫·弗雷泽)应与一个SVN 1.5库,但与SVN 1.6还必须删除<代码> db / rep-cache。db > < /代码在下次提交或<强>你会腐败的存储库< / >强,可能没有意识到它直到你下次尝试完成付款。我已经见过后续完成签出失败的“畸形表示头”的错误。

什么是rep-cache。德国联邦铁路(db),你可能会问?< a href = " https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/subversion/libsvn_fs_fs/structure " rel = " noreferrer " >文档fsf布局< / >说,你将失去“rep-sharing能力”如果你删除这个文件;但是,它将在你的下一个重新提交。< a href = " http://subversion.apache.org/docs/release-notes/1.6.html filesystem-improvements”rel = " noreferrer " >代表分享了在1.6 < / >。


参见< a href = " https://stackoverflow.com/questions/747597/how-do-we-keep-track-of-our-working-copys-branch " >如何跟踪我们的工作副本分支?< / >:-)

If what you meant is, how do I cleanly remove the history of an accidental checkin: This is difficult.

svn does not allow you to undo anything since it saves revisions as changesets. However, there are some tools that let you do almost anything on a dump of a repository. You could:

  1. 把你回购。

  2. 使用< a href = " http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/svn.reposadmin.maint.html svn.reposadmin.maint.tk.svndumpfilter”rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > svndumpfilter的< / > < a href = " http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.7/svn.reposadmin.maint.html " rel = " nofollow noreferrer " > < / > svn管理工具来摆脱签入。

  3. 把它回回购。






  1. Replace with Revision.
  2. Replace with URL
  3. Latest from repository (but in your case, you already have the latest)
  4. Replace with Branch


  1. Do a Compare with Repository/ Revision / URL .


  1. Inform all your users that the repo is going offline and that they ll need to create a new checkout from the server.
  2. Take the repo offline, take a backup copy and move the main repo to a safe location with a name like reponame_old.
  3. Dump your repo to a single-file representation, leaving the unwanted revisions off the end:
    • svnadmin dump -r 0:N > reponame.dump
    • e.g. svnadmin dump -r 0:6610 > reponame.dump will remove revs 6611 onwards
    • Note that the repodump file could be twice the size of your repo folder.
  4. Create a new repo to load these revisions into:
    • svnadmin create reponame
  5. Load the trimmed set of revisions into the new repo
    • svnadmin load reponame < reponame.dump
  6. Apply any necessary customisations to your new repo (e.g. hooks) and return it to service.
    • We re using VisualSVN server so had to restore the confVisualSVN-WinAuthz.ini file.
    • We also saw some odd behaviour until we rebooted the server, so VisualSVN may cache the repo state; YMMV with other hosting setups.
  7. Don t forget to either delete the backup with the secret data, or put it somewhere safe.
  8. Tell all the users to do a new svn checkout from the repo server.





Last login: Mon Apr 13 16:01:34 on ttys004
[wlynch@orange ~] cd /tmp
[wlynch@orange /tmp] svnadmin create foo
[wlynch@orange /tmp] svn co file:///tmp/foo foo-repo
Checked out revision 0.
[wlynch@orange /tmp] cd foo-repo/
[wlynch@orange foo-repo] ls
[wlynch@orange foo-repo] touch blah
[wlynch@orange foo-repo] touch repl
[wlynch@orange foo-repo] touch bar
[wlynch@orange foo-repo] svn add *
A         bar
A         blah
A         repl
[wlynch@orange foo-repo] svn ci
Adding         bar
Adding         blah
Adding         repl
Transmitting file data ...
Committed revision 1.
[wlynch@orange foo-repo] echo "hi" > bar
[wlynch@orange foo-repo] echo "oh no" > blah
[wlynch@orange foo-repo] svn ci
Sending        bar
Sending        blah
Transmitting file data ..
Committed revision 2.
[wlynch@orange older-foo] svn diff -r 1:2 file:///tmp/foo
Index: bar
--- bar (revision 1)
+++ bar (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
Index: blah
--- blah    (revision 1)
+++ blah    (revision 2)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+oh no

[wlynch@orange foo-repo] svn diff -r 1:2 file:///tmp/foo | patch -R
patching file bar
patching file blah    
