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原标题:Embed Movie | want to set autoplay function dependent on whether they have visited site before

我有一部嵌入的电影,并试图建立一套能够让我看到用户以前到这里来的功能。 如果他们这样做,就会伪造汽车。

the followig code does not work <?php function autoplay(){ if ($REMOTE_ADDR == "") { $ip = "no ip"; echo "true"; } else{ $ip = getHostByAddr($REMOTE_ADDR); echo "false"; } } ?>



you could use a cookie that will be stored in the user s browser. session_start(); before everything else in the page, then setcookie( visited , yes ,$time+2592000); after that before loading the movie check if $_COOKIE[ visited ] == "yes"; and thats it. 2592000 are the seconds in a month. Paste this at the first line of your page:

<? session_start(); $loopif=($_COOKIE[ visited ]=="yes")?false:true;setcookie( visited , yes ,$time+2592000); ?>




function ipfunction() {

    $ip=$_SERVER[ REMOTE_ADDR ];

    $queryone = "SELECT * from sessions where ip= $ip ";
    $result = mysql_query($queryone);
    if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
        mysql_query("insert into `sessions` (`id`, `session`, `ip`) VALUES (  ,  , $ip )");
    } else if (mysql_num_rows($result) != 0) {
        echo "";

function autoplay() {

    $ip=$_SERVER[ REMOTE_ADDR ];

    $queryone = "SELECT * from sessions where ip= $ip ";
    $result = mysql_query($queryone);
    if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
        echo "true";
    } else if(mysql_num_rows($result) != 0) {
        echo "false";

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