English 中文(简体)
原标题:Whois server not returning results?
  • 时间:2010-11-10 16:10:46
  •  标签:
  • php
  • whois

然而,我听到了这个“谁”的字眼,并用各种变量和阵列来说明为什么要获得谷歌和Face(即测试的 go角,因为这是显而易见的)的果实,然后在学习与谁的游泳做事,以及用这一文字所吸引的人的 go子(同样的情况是用手法)。


之后,所有结果都得到了回报,我得知,这本书接收了第一个结果的主子服务器(即:agogle.com. 加上.spam.com),因此“google.com”不能被找到与“google.com.with.plus.spam.com”相同的服务器。




And now the code:


$domain = $_GET[ domain ];

// For the full list of TLDs/Whois servers see http://www.iana.org/domains/root/db/ and http://www.whois365.com/en/listtld/
$whoisservers = array(
    "ac" =>"whois.nic.ac",
    "ae" =>"whois.nic.ae",
    "af" =>"whois.nic.af",
    "ag" =>"whois.nic.ag",
    "al" =>"whois.ripe.net",
    "am" =>"whois.amnic.net",
    "arpa" =>"whois.iana.org",
    "as" =>"whois.nic.as",
    "asia" =>"whois.nic.asia",
    "at" =>"whois.nic.at",
    "au" =>"whois.aunic.net",
    "az" =>"whois.ripe.net",
    "ba" =>"whois.ripe.net",
    "be" =>"whois.dns.be",
    "bg" =>"whois.register.bg",
    "bi" =>"whois.nic.bi",
    "biz" =>"whois.biz",
    "bj" =>"whois.nic.bj",
    "br" =>"whois.registro.br",
    "bt" =>"whois.netnames.net",
    "by" =>"whois.ripe.net",
    "bz" =>"whois.belizenic.bz",
    "ca" =>"whois.cira.ca",
    "cat" =>"whois.cat",
    "cc" =>"whois.nic.cc",
    "cd" =>"whois.nic.cd",
    "ch" =>"whois.nic.ch",
    "ci" =>"whois.nic.ci",
    "ck" =>"whois.nic.ck",
    "cl" =>"whois.nic.cl",
    "cn" =>"whois.cnnic.net.cn",
    "com" =>"whois.verisign-grs.com",
    "coop" =>"whois.nic.coop",
    "cx" =>"whois.nic.cx",
    "cy" =>"whois.ripe.net",
    "cz" =>"whois.nic.cz",
    "de" =>"whois.denic.de",
    "dk" =>"whois.dk-hostmaster.dk",
    "dm" =>"whois.nic.cx",
    "dz" =>"whois.ripe.net",
    "edu" =>"whois.educause.edu",
    "ee" =>"whois.eenet.ee",
    "eg" =>"whois.ripe.net",
    "es" =>"whois.ripe.net",
    "eu" =>"whois.eu",
    "fi" =>"whois.ficora.fi",
    "fo" =>"whois.ripe.net",
    "fr" =>"whois.nic.fr",
    "gb" =>"whois.ripe.net",
    "gd" =>"whois.adamsnames.com",
    "ge" =>"whois.ripe.net",
    "gg" =>"whois.channelisles.net",
    "gi" =>"whois2.afilias-grs.net",
    "gl" =>"whois.ripe.net",
    "gm" =>"whois.ripe.net",
    "gov" =>"whois.nic.gov",
    "gr" =>"whois.ripe.net",
    "gs" =>"whois.nic.gs",
    "gw" =>"whois.nic.gw",
    "gy" =>"whois.registry.gy",
    "hk" =>"whois.hkirc.hk",
    "hm" =>"whois.registry.hm",
    "hn" =>"whois2.afilias-grs.net",
    "hr" =>"whois.ripe.net",
    "hu" =>"whois.nic.hu",
    "ie" =>"whois.domainregistry.ie",
    "il" =>"whois.isoc.org.il",
    "in" =>"whois.inregistry.net",
    "info" =>"whois.afilias.net",
    "int" =>"whois.iana.org",
    "io" =>"whois.nic.io",
    "iq" =>"vrx.net",
    "ir" =>"whois.nic.ir",
    "is" =>"whois.isnic.is",
    "it" =>"whois.nic.it",
    "je" =>"whois.channelisles.net",
    "jobs" =>"jobswhois.verisign-grs.com",
    "jp" =>"whois.jprs.jp",
    "ke" =>"whois.kenic.or.ke",
    "kg" =>"www.domain.kg",
    "ki" =>"whois.nic.ki",
    "kr" =>"whois.nic.or.kr",
    "kz" =>"whois.nic.kz",
    "la" =>"whois.nic.la",
    "li" =>"whois.nic.li",
    "lt" =>"whois.domreg.lt",
    "lu" =>"whois.dns.lu",
    "lv" =>"whois.nic.lv",
    "ly" =>"whois.nic.ly",
    "ma" =>"whois.iam.net.ma",
    "mc" =>"whois.ripe.net",
    "md" =>"whois.ripe.net",
    "me" =>"whois.meregistry.net",
    "mg" =>"whois.nic.mg",
    "mil" =>"whois.nic.mil",
    "mn" =>"whois.nic.mn",
    "mobi" =>"whois.dotmobiregistry.net",
    "ms" =>"whois.adamsnames.tc",
    "mt" =>"whois.ripe.net",
    "mu" =>"whois.nic.mu",
    "museum" =>"whois.museum",
    "mx" =>"whois.nic.mx",
    "my" =>"whois.mynic.net.my",
    "na" =>"whois.na-nic.com.na",
    "name" =>"whois.nic.name",
    "net" =>"whois.verisign-grs.net",
    "nf" =>"whois.nic.nf",
    "nl" =>"whois.domain-registry.nl",
    "no" =>"whois.norid.no",
    "nu" =>"whois.nic.nu",
    "nz" =>"whois.srs.net.nz",
    "org" =>"whois.pir.org",
    "pl" =>"whois.dns.pl",
    "pm" =>"whois.nic.pm",
    "pr" =>"whois.uprr.pr",
    "pro" =>"whois.registrypro.pro",
    "pt" =>"whois.dns.pt",
    "re" =>"whois.nic.re",
    "ro" =>"whois.rotld.ro",
    "ru" =>"whois.ripn.net",
    "sa" =>"whois.nic.net.sa",
    "sb" =>"whois.nic.net.sb",
    "sc" =>"whois2.afilias-grs.net",
    "se" =>"whois.iis.se",
    "sg" =>"whois.nic.net.sg",
    "sh" =>"whois.nic.sh",
    "si" =>"whois.arnes.si",
    "sk" =>"whois.ripe.net",
    "sm" =>"whois.ripe.net",
    "st" =>"whois.nic.st",
    "su" =>"whois.ripn.net",
    "tc" =>"whois.adamsnames.tc",
    "tel" =>"whois.nic.tel",
    "tf" =>"whois.nic.tf",
    "th" =>"whois.thnic.net",
    "tj" =>"whois.nic.tj",
    "tk" =>"whois.dot.tk",
    "tl" =>"whois.nic.tl",
    "tm" =>"whois.nic.tm",
    "tn" =>"whois.ripe.net",
    "to" =>"whois.tonic.to",
    "tp" =>"whois.nic.tl",
    "tr" =>"whois.nic.tr",
    "travel" =>"whois.nic.travel",
    "tv" => "tvwhois.verisign-grs.com",
    "tw" =>"whois.twnic.net.tw",
    "ua" =>"whois.net.ua",
    "ug" =>"whois.co.ug",
    "uk" =>"whois.nic.uk",
    "us" =>"whois.nic.us",
    "uy" =>"nic.uy",
    "uz" =>"whois.cctld.uz",
    "va" =>"whois.ripe.net",
    "vc" =>"whois2.afilias-grs.net",
    "ve" =>"whois.nic.ve",
    "vg" =>"whois.adamsnames.tc",
    "wf" =>"whois.nic.wf",
    "ws" =>"whois.website.ws",
    "yt" =>"whois.nic.yt",
    "yu" =>"whois.ripe.net");

function LookupDomain($domain){
    global $whoisservers;
    $domain_parts = explode(".", $domain);
    $tld = strtolower(array_pop($domain_parts));
    $whoisserver = $whoisservers[$tld];
    if(!$whoisserver) {
        return "Error: No appropriate Whois server found for $domain domain!";
    $result = QueryWhoisServer($whoisserver, $domain);
    if(!$result) {
        return "Error: No results retrieved from $whoisserver server for $domain domain!";
    else {
        while(strpos($result, "Whois Server:") !== FALSE){
            preg_match("/Whois Server: (.*)/", $result, $matches);
            $secondary = $matches[1];
            if($secondary) {
                $result = QueryWhoisServer($secondary, $domain);
                $whoisserver = $secondary;
    return "$domain domain lookup results from $whoisserver server:

" . $result;

function LookupIP($ip) {
    $whoisservers = array(
        //"whois.afrinic.net", // Africa - returns timeout error :-(
        "whois.lacnic.net", // Latin America and Caribbean - returns data for ALL locations worldwide :-)
        "whois.apnic.net", // Asia/Pacific only
        "whois.arin.net", // North America only
        "whois.ripe.net" // Europe, Middle East and Central Asia only
    $results = array();
    foreach($whoisservers as $whoisserver) {
        $result = QueryWhoisServer($whoisserver, $ip);
        if($result && !in_array($result, $results)) {
            $results[$whoisserver]= $result;
    $res = "RESULTS FOUND: " . count($results);
    foreach($results as $whoisserver=>$result) {
        $res .= "

Lookup results for $ip from $whoisserver server:

    return $res;

function ValidateIP($ip) {
    $ipnums = explode(".", $ip);
    if(count($ipnums) != 4) {
        return false;
    foreach($ipnums as $ipnum) {
        if(!is_numeric($ipnum) || ($ipnum > 255)) {
            return false;
    return $ip;

function ValidateDomain($domain) {
    if(!preg_match("/^([-a-z0-9]{2,100}).([a-z.]{2,8})$/i", $domain)) {
        return false;
    return $domain;

function QueryWhoisServer($whoisserver, $domain) {
    $port = 43;
    $timeout = 10;
    $fp = @fsockopen($whoisserver, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout) or die("Socket Error " . $errno . " - " . $errstr);
    if($whoisserver == "whois.verisign-grs.com") $domain = "=".$domain; // whois.verisign-grs.com requires the equals sign ("=") or it returns any result containing the searched string.
    fputs($fp, $domain . "
    $out = "";
        $out .= fgets($fp);

    $res = "";
    if((strpos(strtolower($out), "error") === FALSE) && (strpos(strtolower($out), "not allocated") === FALSE)) {
        $rows = explode("
", $out);
        foreach($rows as $row) {
            $row = trim($row);
            if(($row !=   ) && ($row{0} !=  # ) && ($row{0} !=  % )) {
                $res .= $row."
    return $res;
<title>Whois Lookup Script</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">

<form action="<?=$_SERVER[ PHP_SELF ];?>">
<p><b><label for="domain">Domain/IP Address:</label></b> <input type="text" name="domain" id="domain" value="<?=$domain;?>"> <input type="submit" value="Lookup"></p>
if($domain) {
    $domain = trim($domain);
    if(substr(strtolower($domain), 0, 7) == "http://") $domain = substr($domain, 7);
    if(substr(strtolower($domain), 0, 4) == "www.") $domain = substr($domain, 4);
    if(ValidateIP($domain)) {
        $result = LookupIP($domain);
    elseif(ValidateDomain($domain)) {
        $result = LookupDomain($domain);
    else die("Invalid Input!");
    echo "<pre>
" . $result . "



So in the function "LookupDomain($domain)" be sure that the value of $domain should be domain google.com for it to display the proper result.


这一规定尚未生效。 因此,你可以尝试以下法典:

<?php function whois_query($domain)

 // fix the domain name:
 $domain = strtolower(trim($domain));
 $domain = preg_replace( /^http:///i ,   , $domain);
 $domain = preg_replace( /^www./i ,   , $domain);
 $domain = explode( / , $domain);
 $domain = trim($domain[0]);

 // split the TLD from domain name
 $_domain = explode( . , $domain);
 $lst = count($_domain)-1;
 $ext = $_domain[$lst];

 // the list of whois servers
 // most taken from www.iana.org/domains/root/db/
 $servers = array(
  "biz" => "whois.neulevel.biz",
  "com" => "whois.internic.net",
  "us" => "whois.nic.us",
  "coop" => "whois.nic.coop",
  "info" => "whois.nic.info",
  "name" => "whois.nic.name",
  "net" => "whois.internic.net",
  "gov" => "whois.nic.gov",
  "edu" => "whois.internic.net",
  "mil" => "rs.internic.net",
  "int" => "whois.iana.org",
  "ac" => "whois.nic.ac",
  "ae" => "whois.uaenic.ae",
  "at" => "whois.ripe.net",
  "au" => "whois.aunic.net",
  "be" => "whois.dns.be",
  "bg" => "whois.ripe.net",
  "br" => "whois.registro.br",
  "bz" => "whois.belizenic.bz",
  "ca" => "whois.cira.ca",
  "cc" => "whois.nic.cc",
  "ch" => "whois.nic.ch",
  "cl" => "whois.nic.cl",
  "cn" => "whois.cnnic.net.cn",
  "cz" => "whois.nic.cz",
  "de" => "whois.nic.de",
  "fr" => "whois.nic.fr",
  "hu" => "whois.nic.hu",
  "ie" => "whois.domainregistry.ie",
  "il" => "whois.isoc.org.il",
  "in" => "whois.ncst.ernet.in",
  "ir" => "whois.nic.ir",
  "mc" => "whois.ripe.net",
  "to" => "whois.tonic.to",
  "tv" => "whois.tv",
  "ru" => "whois.ripn.net",
  "org" => "whois.pir.org",
  "aero" => "whois.information.aero",
  "nl" => "whois.domain-registry.nl",
  "uk" => "whois.nic.uk",
  "us" => "whois.nic.us",
  "travel" => "whois.nic.travel",
  "gov" => "whois.dotgov.gov",
  "it" => "whois.nic.it"

 if (!isset($servers[$ext])) {
  die( Error: No matching whois server found! );

 $nic_server = $servers[$ext];

 $output =   ;

 // connect to whois server:
 if ($conn = fsockopen($nic_server, 43)) {
  fwrite($conn, $domain."
  while (!feof($conn)) {
   $output .= fgets($conn, 128);
 } else {
  die( Error: Could not connect to   . $nic_server .  ! );
 return $output;
echo  <pre> .whois_query( google.com ). </pre> ;

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