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是否有一部关于ISO 8601的全面图书馆/单元。
原标题:Is there a comprehensive library/module for ISO 8601 in ruby?

ISO 8601在废墟中的标准? 我指的是像你能够确定和获得细节的一类,例如,年、月、日、日等——每周、周、小时、分钟——是_耐久? 因此,也可以由谁来确定并出口到扼杀物?

require  time 

time = Time.iso8601 Time.now.iso8601 # iso8601 <--> string
time.year    # => Year of the date 
time.month   # => Month of the date (1 to 12)
time.day     # => Day of the date (1 to 31 )
time.wday    # => 0: Day of week: 0 is Sunday
time.yday    # => 365: Day of year
time.hour    # => 23: 24-hour clock
time.min     # => 59
time.sec     # => 59
time.usec    # => 999999: microseconds
time.zone    # => "UTC": timezone name

查阅time。 它有许多缺陷。

不幸的是,Ruby s公司的固定时间职能似乎并不通过(例如与网络相比)来很好地考虑,因此,为了其他功能,你将需要使用一些地段。


Most useful probably is Time Calculations from ActiveSupport (Rails 3).
You don t need to require the rails but only this small library: gem install activesupport.


require  active_support/all 
Time.now.advance(:hours => 1) - Time.now # ~ 3600
1.hour.from_now - Time.now # ~ 3600 - same as above
Time.now.at_beginning_of_day # ~ 2010-11-24 00:00:00 +1100
# also at_beginning_of_xxx: xx in [day, month, quarter, year, week]
# same applies to at_end_of_xxx



保留 实时计算

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