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原标题:issue with accordian Jquery script

我写了在流动网站上部署的礼让文字,每件工作都是罚款的。 然而,当页数增加时,我面临一个问题。

约有8至10条条条条条条。 当一把任何物品的碎块 down倒和点击以显示内容时,页数正转向顶,而不是停留在我点击的目前位置。



$( .acc_container ).hide(); $( .acc_container1 ).hide();

$( .acc_trigger ).click(function(){ $(this).siblings( .acc_container1 ).slideUp( fast ); $(this).parent().siblings( div ).children( .acc_container1 ).slideUp( fast ); $(this).parent().siblings( div ).children( .acc_container ).slideUp( fast ); $(this).next().siblings( .acc_container ).slideDown( fast ); });


On each of your accordion s triggers which display content, which I assume are anchor tags, you need to prevent the default behavior of the event. Which in the case of anchor tags, is to take you too the href attribute of the tag. If the href attribute is set to #, clicking on the anchor tag will take you to the top of the page. So, something like this should work, calling preventDefault() on jQuery s event object, assuming .acc_trigger is the selector for all of your accordian triggers:

$(".acc_trigger").click(function(e) {
    $(this).siblings( .acc_container1 ).slideUp( fast );
    $(this).parent().siblings( div ).children( .acc_container1 ).slideUp( fast );
    $(this).parent().siblings( div ).children( .acc_container ).slideUp( fast );
    $(this).next().siblings( .acc_container ).slideDown( fast );


$("a").click(function(event) {
// do all your logic here and add the below link  




您.acc_container 页: 1

overflow: hidden;


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