When I pass call a Generic Method that return A Func and pass in parameter of the Where, that s dosen t work. (System.InvalidOperationException: Internal .NET Framework Data Provider error 1025.)
The error is when I want to get the Role information.
For the Role, I need to perform a Where Clause Expression EX: (p => p.LangID == 1)
www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 该法典有:t Work
public Func<T, bool> GetLmbLang<T>() where T:class,IBaseGenericTxt
int lang = -1;
lang = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Current.Session["Language"]);
return (p => p.LangID == lang);
var ViewModel = _db.Contacts.Where(a=> a.IsActive == true).Select(a => new ContactListViewModel {
ContactID = a.ContactID,
ContactName = a.ContactName,
Role = a.ContactType.ContactTypeTexts.Where(repGeneric.GetLmbLang<ContactTypeText>()).Select(af => af.Txt).FirstOrDefault(),
CompanyType = a.Supplier.SupplierName,
Addr = a.Address ,
Email = a.ContactEmail,
Phone = a.ContactPhone
for (int i = 0; i < ViewModel.Count(); i++)
Response.Write(ViewModel.ElementAt(i).ContactID + "<br />");
www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 本条
int lang = -1;
lang = Convert.ToInt32(Session["Language"]);
var ViewModel = _db.Contacts.Where(a=> a.IsActive == true).Select(a => new ContactListViewModel {
ContactID = a.ContactID,
ContactName = a.ContactName,
Role = a.ContactType.ContactTypeTexts.Where(p => p.LangID == lang).Select(af => af.Txt).FirstOrDefault(),
CompanyType = a.Supplier.SupplierName,
Addr = a.Address ,
Email = a.ContactEmail,
Phone = a.ContactPhone
for (int i = 0; i < ViewModel.Count(); i++)
Response.Write(ViewModel.ElementAt(i).ContactID + "<br />");
public class ContactListViewModel
public int ContactID { get; set; }
public string ContactName { get; set; }
public string Role { get; set; }
public string Company { get; set; }
public string CompanyType { get; set; }
public Address Addr { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public string Phone { get; set; }
..... Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<List<mvcinfosite.ViewModels.ContactListViewModel>>" %>
<table class="genTable">
<% for (int i = 0;i < Model.Count; i++) { %>
<%: Html.ActionLink(item.ContactName, "Edit", new { id=item.ContactID }) %>
<%: item.Role %>
<%: item.Company %>
<%: item.CompanyType %>
<%: GlobalHelper.GetAddress(item.Addr) %>
<%: item.Email %>
<%: item.Phone %>
<% } %>