English 中文(简体)
2. 包装地址
原标题:Applescript setting ip address

我希望用补充文字来改变我角的地址。 因此,我写了一幅将自动做的文字,但是,在建立议会地址方面存在着问题。

set ipAddress to ""
tell application "System Preferences"
 set current pane to pane id "com.apple.preference.network"
end tell
tell application "System Events"
 tell process "System Preferences"
  click checkbox "Click the lock to make changes." of window "Network"
  tell application "System Events" to keystroke "p"
  tell application "System Events" to keystroke "a"
  tell application "System Events" to keystroke "s"
  tell application "System Events" to keystroke "s"
  tell application "System Events" to keystroke "w"
  tell application "System Events" to keystroke "o"
  tell application "System Events" to keystroke return
  click button 11 of window "Network"
  tell window "Network"
   tell sheet 1
    tell tab group 1
     click radio button "TCP/IP"

     set contents of text field 2 to ipAddress

    end tell
   end tell
  end tell

 end tell
end tell

Everything executes fine except for this statement

"set contents of text field 2 to ipAddress"


error "System Events got an error: Can’t set contents of text field 2 of tab group 1 of sheet 1 of window "Network" of process "System Preferences" to ""." number -10006 from contents of text field 2 of tab group 1 of sheet 1 of window "Network" of process "System Preferences" I checked the UI elements using UIBrowser so i am sure that i am using the correct elements. What is causing the problem? and Also can u tell a better way to write the same thing?



如果你点击网络顶点的Peoples中的Peoples,你会发现一个名为“地点”的 men。 浮标和选择Edit 地点......

然后,你可以建立一个新的地点,并装配一个接口,无论是外联网、机场、消防、3G卡等。 你们可以有多个地点进行同一接口。 因此,你可以有一个有192.168.2.2的IP的乙醇基点,然后你可以有另一组,即192.168.2.3。


1. 取得阿普果文中你目前的网络位置,使用以下代码:

set currentLocation to do shell script "networksetup -getcurrentlocation"

选择一个新地点,使用以下《 Apple本》:

set newLocationName to "whatever location you want to choose"
do shell script "scselect " & newLocationName with administrator privileges

采用上述方法,你可以创造许多预先界定的网络地点,并方便地与你的 Apple本相接触。 此外,你可以随机抽出一个与贵处所有地点一起的“果普朗”表。

• 利用网络手稿人工安装IP:

do shell script "networksetup -setmanual Ethernet password YOURPASSWORD with administrator privileges"


do shell script "networksetup -setdhcp Ethernet YOURPASSWORD 
with administrator privileges"




the right command is

<代码> 文本领域2至pAddress的价值


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