This is only in IE8, Occurs when I have a multiple values select box bound to observableArray with selectedOptions and there are more items than select can show (scrolling is enabled). So whenever I Ctrl+click the item in a select box the scrolling position jumps away and I end up being scrolled down a bit. This produces a jittery unpleasant experience. As I understand it, this problems is because of two-way binding of selectedOptions: when I click on an item, it gets added to the array, which in turn causes the select box refill after observableArray notifies the UI of its changes. Is there anything that can be done?
I ended up using this binding:
<select data-bind= visible:operator() ? operator().Element == "DropDown" : false,
options: property() ? property().ReferenceItems : null,
optionsText: "Name",
optionsValue: "Id",
optionsCaption: "Выберите...",
selectedOptions: selectedValues,
multiple: selectedValues().length > 1 >