English 中文(简体)
• 如何为Droupal的行政使用者制定习俗表格?
原标题:How to develop custom forms for Drupal s admin users?
  • 时间:2010-11-14 18:54:33
  •  标签:
  • drupal
  • forms




First thing, you need a location to access your form from, preferably in the "admin/*" namespace if the form is only meant for administration. If you re just showing a form, you could directly use drupal_get_form as page callback (but you could use any function to generate the HTML code, even mix with theme functions)

Also, you need to know which permission(s) is required to access the form. By default, I used "access administration pages" but you probably should use something more specific, depending on what you intend the form for.

请允许我说,“admin/build/aboutthing”,你需要使用。 登记这条道路:

 * Implementation of hook_menu().
function modulename_menu(){
    return array(
         admin/build/something  => array(
             title  =>  Example Admin Form ,
             description  =>  Admin form introduced by the MODULENAME module ,
             type  => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
             page callback  =>  drupal_get_form ,
             access arguments  => array( access administration pages ),

Now, to actually display a page: the value provided in "page arguments" was the name of the function that drupal_get_form expects to provide the form structure (which must be an associative array):

 * Form Structure
function modulename_form_something(&$form_state){
    $form = array();
    $form[ myfield ] = array(
         #title  =>  My Field ,
         #description  =>  This is a basic text input field ,
         #type  =>  textfield ,
         #default_value  => $form_state[ values ][ myfield ],
    // Here you can add more elements in the form
    return $form;

http://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/developer---topics-forms_api_ Reference.html/6“rel=“noreferer” 提供更多关于表格的信息,你可以用来方便地制作某些极为复杂的表格。



 * Form validation
function modulename_form_something_validate($form, &$form_state){
    if ($form_state[ values ][ myfield ] ==  no ){
        form_set_error( myfield ,  "<b>no</b>" is not a valid answer, try again. );

鉴定首先叫作验证,但是,只有在数据正确无误的情况下,才能检查。 如果在收到表格时需要采取行动,则在“提交书”的手稿中这样做,是因为在提交表格时,可以多次确认。

 * Form submission
function modulename_form_something_submit(&$form, &$form_state){
    // Here you can perform whatever action that form is made for.
    drupal_set_message(  The form has been sent. "myfield" has the following value:  .$form_state[ values ][ myfield ] );



 * Implementation of hook_menu().
function modulename_menu(){
    return array(
         admin/build/something  => array(
             title  =>  Example Admin Form ,
             description  =>  Admin form introduced by the MODULENAME module ,
             type  => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
             page callback  =>  drupal_get_form ,
             page arguments  =>  modulename_form_something ,
             access arguments  => array( access administration pages ),

 * Form Structure
function modulename_form_something(&$form_state){
    $form = array();
    $form[ myfield ] = array(
         #title  =>  My Field ,
         #description  =>  This is a basic text input field ,
         #type  =>  textfield ,
         #default_value  => $form_state[ values ][ myfield ],
    // Here you can add more elements in the form
    return $form;

 * Form validation
function modulename_form_something_validate($form, &$form_state){
    if ($form_state[ values ][ myfield ] ==  no ){
        form_set_error( myfield ,  "<b>no</b>" is not a valid answer, try again. );

 * Form submission
function modulename_form_something_submit(&$form, &$form_state){
    // Here you can perform whatever action that form is made for.
    drupal_set_message(  The form has been sent. "myfield" has the following value:  .$form_state[ values ][ myfield ] );

Don tabes女士还需要一份.info文档,以便安装模块:


; $Id
name = Admin Form
description = This module adds an admin form
package = Example Module
core = "6.x"
version = "6.x-0.1-dev"

Dr子系统将有助于你采取你所需要的任何形式。 如果您需要储存环境,system_dings_form 只是一小.。

制作行政表格时的唯一区别是,要记住确定某种必要的许可,并在网站<代码>/admin/部分放置某些地方。 确实,没有什么东西专门涉及行政形式。





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