我正在执行我的第一份综合法典。 在我的案件中,每个用户将拥有2类SOS客户,这些用户将使用<条码>终端Synctimestamp向服务器提供合成记录,这是代表最后合成物的微秒中的“Unix epoch”的64个轨道分类。 记录可在服务器或客户上随时制作,记录作为吉斯提尔角交换。
我对冲突没有担忧,因为几乎没有更新,而且总是来自同一个用户。 然而,我很想知道,是否有共同的东西,我需要知道,这可能与假日储蓄时间的辛迪加、与他人相冲突的辛迪,或其他 go。
我知道, g和其他一些版本的管制制度避开对内容谈判辛迪加办法的 time。 我也可以想象一下,如果使用<代码>uuid或hash
Edit——这里是我为时装和内容提要而介绍的一些好处/缺点。 请提出异议/更正。
- 我将内容提要定义为对两套物体进行简单谈判,例如,如果你给两套相同的基球卡的每一部分 j,则如何交换卡片,并告诉他们,在两套相同的板块之前,他们通过自己宣布并交出发现的任何复制件。
- Johnny - "I got this card."
- Davey - "I got this bunch of cards. Give me that card."
- Johnny - "Here is your card. Gimme that bunch of cards."
- Davey - "Here are your bunch of cards."
- ....
- Both - "We are done"
www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 以时间为基础的合成优点
- Easy to implement
- Single property used for syncing.
- Time is a relative concept to the observer and different machine s clocks can be out of sync. There are a couple ways to solve this. Generate timestamp on a single machine, which doesn t scale well and represents a single point of failure. Or use logical clocks such as vector clocks. For the average developer building their own system, vector clocks might be too complex to implement.
- Timestamp based syncing works for client to master syncing but doesn t work as well for peer to peer syncing or where syncing can occur with 2 masters.
- Single point of failure, whatever generates the timestamp.
- Time is not really related to the content of what is being synced.
www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 内容提要
- No per peer timestamp needs to be maintained. 2 peers can start a sync session and start syncing based on the content.
- Well defined endpoint to sync - when both parties have identical sets.
- Allows a peer to peer architecture, where any peer can act as client or server, providing they can host an HTTP server.
- Sync works with the content of the sets, not with an abstract concept time.
- Since sync is built around content, sync can be used to do content verification if desired. E.g. a SHA-1 hash can be computed on the content and used as the uuid. It can be compared to what is sent during syncing.
- Even further, SHA-1 hashes can be based on previous hashes to maintain a consistent history of content.
- Extra properties on your objects may be needed to implement.
- More logic on both sides compared to timestamp based syncing.
- Slightly more chatty protocol (this could be tuned by syncing content in clusters).