I have an app written in Delphi 5 that I want to convert to run on Android 2.x. The app is pretty simple; its used to upload/download configuration files to a separate microprocessor over a Modbus serial link. (It s an engine management chip for use in boosting horsepower in turbo-diesel engines). I haven t programmed since my Pascal days at uni so I am almost a complete beginner but willing to invest some time into this and I have the source code of course.
From the reading I have done so far, it appears that re-writing the app in Java seems to be the most common solution but also some suggest using Monodroid? What I would really appreciate is some definitive advice around what versions and tools I should put together to do this - eg do I install the Java SDK or do I look at Monodroid and just convert the existing code? The thing that I find most challenging is getting the right approach/environment setup - I m overwhelmed with information and choice here! Once I am sure that I have the right approach, I will then figure out the details as I go but there is nothing worse than spending hours and hours fiddling with one approach to then later learn it was wasted!
My objective here is to get the functionality of the existing code replicated as easily as possible in Android, not to replicate the look and feel perfectly and not to become an Android programming guru :)
Really appreciate any guidance on this...