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PHP: 如何提取亚克斯阵列反应
原标题:PHP: how to extract ajax array response

I am getting ajax response in array format from php url. How to extract array response values in jQuery? FYI:


$response = array( msg  =>  Hello ,  html  =>  <b>Good bye</b> );

我正在从我的阿贾克斯对策中找到应急阵列。 i.e.

var promo = "promo=45fdf4684sfd";
    type: "POST",
    url: baseJsUrl + "/users/calc_discount",
    data: promo,
    success: function (msg) { // I am getting $response here as ajax response.

        // Here I want to check whether response is in array format or not. if it is in array format, I want to extract msg here and want to use response array values.

Let me know answer pls. Thanks.


请注意$response with json_encode(

可能的话,请在标本内贴上<条码>数据表:json 。

然后,你可以利用信使的操作者在你的成功呼声中,从本土上进入 Java。

function(msg) {

BTW, this line...

$response = array([ msg ] =>  Hello ,  html  =>  <b>Good bye</b> );

http://codepad.org/Efbcf002“rel=“noretinger”>isn t valid PHP。 删除第一关键部分的方括号。




{"msg":"Hello","html":"<b>Good bye</b>"}


success: function(msg){


jQuery.each(msg, function(key, val) {
  alert(key + "=" + val);

and If you do not have control over the PHP output then you can use another method to get the result. Another solution is using http://phpjs.org/ library. Here you can find many functions available in JS as available in php. Usage is also same as that of PHP. So I feel if you get the json_encode/json_decode from there and use that then it can solve your problem easily.

各位只能汇编必要的职能。 在你的情况下,是json_encode和json_decode。 无需下载整个图书馆。 http://phpjs.org

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