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原标题:Removing a duplication of a variable in a string?
  • 时间:2010-11-17 10:12:52
  •  标签:
  • php


  $string =  hello my name is blah blah and wats yours ;


   $variable =  blah ;


我认为,将阵列分为一个阵列,如果阵列中一个变数以同一字开始,最后一个字则冲淡一个阵列并重新铺设。 顺便提一下,这就是我为什么要问,可能有一个更简单的方式。

Any ideas?

edit: i Just realised i don t consider do a preg_match of only blah blah with blah .



$string =  hello my name is blah blah and wats yours ;
$variable =  blah ;
$string = preg_replace(  /( .$variable. s+){2,}/  ,  1  , $string );



$string =  hello my name is blah blah and wats yours ;
$variable =  blah ;
$string = str_replace( $variable.   .$variable.    , $variable.    , $string );


$string =  hello my name is blah blah and wats yours ;
$search_string =  blah ;

$first_occurence = strpos($string , $search_string);

If (int preg_match($search_string , $string ) > 1) {
    echo "String found more than once!!!";

    // remove all occurences of searchstring from string excepte the first one
    $string = substr ($string, 0, $first_occurence +1) . str_replace($search_string,   , substr ($string,$first_occurence +1));

到目前为止,所有答复都谈到在扼杀词上的任何重复。 我认为,你只是想删除连续的同样措辞。 可在preg_replace上填写:

$string =  hello my name is blah blah and wats yours ;

$string = preg_replace( /(w+)(s+)\1s*/ ,  \1\2 , $string);

指出这一职能相当缓慢,因此将删除诸如“哈德”之类的有效短语。 也许你可以通过一个白色名单和preg_replace_questback来围绕这一点开展工作。

仅重读你的问题,以前就错过了“只字”的界限。 你可以用黑字清单来做到这一点,但绝不能重复:

$string =  hello my name is blah blah and wats yours. I had had a bad day ;

$string = preg_replace_callback( /(w+)(s+)\1s*/i , function($matches) {
    $blacklist = array ( blah );

    if (in_array(strtolower($matches[1]), $blacklist)) {
        return $matches[1] . $matches[2];
    } else {
        return $matches[0];
}, $string);

// $string == "hello my name is blah and wats yours. I had had a bad day"


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