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如何确定这一 j
原标题:How to fix this java regex
  • 时间:2023-07-02 01:49:59
  •  标签:
  • java
  • regex


String regex = String.format("^%s(\$.+)?", entryNameToMatchWithRegex);

页: 1


The regex for entry BLOCK_LEAK_22, is: ^BLOCK_LEAK_22($.+)?

为此,它应当努力:^>。 BLOCK_LEAK_22(/$.+)?

www.un.org/Depts/DGACM/index_spanish.htm 我的理解是,该日志正显示该日形形形形形形形形色色()的缩略语,表明该浮标有选择性,因此我需要它,因为例如,在核对有这种名字的日志时(测试组):

String[] testStrings  =  {
for (String str : testStrings) {
    System.out.println(str + " -> " + str.matches("^BLOCK_LEAK_22(\$.+)?"));


BLOCK_LEAK_22$55 -> true
BLOCK_LEAK_22 -> true
BLOCK_LEAK_22$1 -> true

But since the regex is being like this: ^BLOCK_LEAK_22($.+)? then im getting this results (wrong):

BLOCK_LEAK_22$55 -> true
BLOCK_LEAK_22 -> false
BLOCK_LEAK_22$1 -> true





在 Java,在案文中,“<>条码/代码>的性质”被视为e爱籍特性>。


< rel=“nofollow noretinger”> 特征 (The JavaTM Tutorials > Learning the Java Language > Numbers and Strings)

页: 1 反弹之前的特性是逃逸的顺序,对汇编者具有特别的意义。 下表显示了 Java越航顺序:


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