Backgournd info: I have a ISS6 webserver hosting multiple websites. I have about 15 domains that could be considered "sister" sites that share styles, layouts, etc but they still will have their own customization styles. (I haven t created anything but these basic sites just yet)
The question is thus: since a good portion of the CSS and JS for each site will be the same, what are some ways to share a common master CSS & JS directory between sites on the same IIS server?
I know I could host this master directory of common files on one of the domains and it from there but that doesn t seem like the most elegant option. Or I could give each domain its own personal copy of the CSS and JS files as well which probably the worst option.
I do not use any version control software or Visual Studio, just notepad++ so I m not so concerned with sharing files among developers.
Thanks for any input.